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Is he up to something?

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Ok I have a question to see if maybe I am overreacting to an issue with my boyfriend.

Ok my bf lives 3 hours away and I was going to make the move to move down there with him. Before I moved though I needed to paint my house so I could rent it out. Anyway he came up here one time to help me but it was far from being done so we kept making plans for him to come back up here and finish. Then we got busy and other plans kept getting made which was both of our faults and then we broke up for like a week and got back together.


To make a long story short, last night I asked him to come up here today since he wasnt busy today he said he couldnt because he didnt want to drive all the way up here and then have to leave so early in the morning since he has to work with his friend tomorrow. I guess maybe I did overreact but I got so upset because our plans kept getting pushed farther and farther away. He said that he would come Monday I kept asking over and over WHY couldnt he come tomorrow and he kept saying his reason over and over. Finally I was like why are you refusing to come tomorrow? He stated again his reasoning and so I started crying. That really did upset me that he was refusing to come down here when I work around his schedule all the time.


So, he finally said he would come down here Thursday after he gets done working and stay until Friday evening.


My question is, should I think anything by him refusing to come down here today and help? Is that really a legitimate reason for not coming today to help? Or should I think there is something more to it?

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Sorry I had wrote this post this morning as a guest and it never showed up on the forum so I thought that possibly it was because I wasnt registered. So please disregard this post. Thanks

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