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disappearing act

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My BF of 2 years told me he's going to visit a friend in another state and stay for anywhere from one month to Feb. He's going to quit the job he hates here to go there and do nothing but sit around all day and mooch off his buddy. He thinks it will help him figure things out if he's gone and has no responsiblity for a while. And, I'm just supposed to say, "OK honey, have a good time and I'll be here when you decide to come back." I'm having a little bit of trouble dealing with this and welcome suggestions.

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It really doesn't sound like you've talked this out sufficiently with your boyfriend. Communication problems, perhaps???


Get to the bottom of this and don't stop talking until you understand as fully as possible why he is taking this time off.


If you feel his reasons are legitimate, if you feel he needs some time off to get his head on straight, if you feel he's been under stress and this time away will help him gain some mental strength, then perhaps you can go along with it.


If you think he's leaving to get away from you or to look for other women, that's another story.


So talk this out. The decision is yours and yours only and you can only base that decision on YOUR OWN FEELINGS about his reasons for going.


If you just don't like the idea of him taking this amount of time away from you for any reason, just break up with him if that's what you want to do.

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Interesting name you have there. Just thought I'd tell you that.


My advice...follow Tony's advice. You need to talk to your boyfriend about this. After all, he can't read your mind. And you'll feel better once you get things off your chest.

My BF of 2 years told me he's going to visit a friend in another state and stay for anywhere from one month to Feb. He's going to quit the job he hates here to go there and do nothing but sit around all day and mooch off his buddy. He thinks it will help him figure things out if he's gone and has no responsiblity for a while. And, I'm just supposed to say, "OK honey, have a good time and I'll be here when you decide to come back." I'm having a little bit of trouble dealing with this and welcome suggestions.
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Interesting name you have there. Just thought I'd tell you that. My advice...follow Tony's advice. You need to talk to your boyfriend about this. After all, he can't read your mind. And you'll feel better once you get things off your chest.
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For a minute, Daisy, I thought that first post was from you. Took me a minute before I could pick my jaw up off my lap. SOOOOO glad things are still okay with you.:)


(wiping sweat off brow)


Why someone felt the need to use the same name, I'll never know. There are a million other names they could think up on their own. Oh well.
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Thanks for the concern BeenThere :) Actually, I would have responded to the post sooner but college has started back this week, and I've been quite busy. Kinda surprised me yesterday when I logged on and saw my name there!

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