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What's the message behind her actions? (if any)

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So anyway i've been seeing this girl roughly for about 3-4 months. We agreed that we're not officially exclusive, so that makes us casual. And she agrees it's totally cool if i date other women.


However a month ago, she also mentioned she has no intention of being exclusive with me...ok i get the picture it means she doesnt see us with a future(not presently anyway).


But sometimes her actions lead on more than she says. the little things she does for me like picking lint off my shirt or something from my hair, shows she cares....rubs my hand when it's cold. leans on my shoulder when she feels like it.


Cuz of school as of late, i've been less available.

...Then a few days ago, out of the blue she tells me online that we should plan a Eurotrip 2 years from now. I didnt agree or disagree to it but i just sounded a little skeptical about the trip. so i guess she must see some kind of future if this came to mind?


yesterday i called her up at 11pm...she said she was having dinner and asked if i wanted to meet up? i said i couldnt. And when she got home, told me yesterday about going to dinner with this guy and how he asked her out.

She told me a little of what occured at dinner but nothing in detail. i nodded it off w/o showing jealousy. i know what type of girl she is, and im pretty sure nothing happened.

...So i dont know it seems like she's trying to make me jealous. i guess i've been a little aloof lately. lately she's been drinking out quite a bit but i dont know if it's cause of me...yet she said she's ok.


She says she doesnt want to be exclusive with me, yet she's doing all this...any thoughts?

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Give her what she wants.. non exclusivity..


She what she does when you pull back and start dating someone else..


Try it..


Or believe that she just wants to play the field..

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Give her what she wants.. non exclusivity..


She what she does when you pull back and start dating someone else..


Try it..


Or believe that she just wants to play the field..


I dont know, i just got back from a date with her. it seems as though her actions says she wants to be my gf. And i can tell she cares a great deal about me.


Anyway she came over to campus with me today. And saw other girls greet me, so obviously something there. However i have a gut feeling that if i date other women she will get jealous. But regardless i will date other women, since afterall we arent exclusive.

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