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why soem guys get so many girls and why other like me get none

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I have come to the conclusion that our friend JOEL is someone who's playing a long-term gag on all of us at LS. I don't respond to his posts on a serious note anymore. He's quite funny actually....


I'm inclined to agree. I carried out a bit of research, and happened upon this thread. I didn't read through it, but it had something to do with his mum confiscating one of his belongings.




I see that Joel lives in Vancouver. Admiral Thrawn is from Toronto, so it looks as though I'll need to start looking up Canadian venues for my flirting course. Slubber will put me up, so that should cut down on expenses.


Sorry everyone - just thinking aloud.

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Who ya gonna alert? :lmao:




jokes aside, you want to reply to the question i asked about getting rejected?


really curious to hear from you guys...

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jokes aside, you want to reply to the question i asked about getting rejected?


really curious to hear from you guys...


I've never asked a guy out on a date as such. There have been times I've bumped into a guy I know slightly in the street, got chatting and suggested going for a coffee. It wouldn't occur to me to feel offended if they said no. I'd just think they were too busy.


If I did ask someone out on a date and they said no in an "I'm not attracted to you" sort of way, I'd just slink away in embarrassment and spend the evening chewing my nails down to the quick...but I wouldn't be angry with them. It's not against the law to not fancy someone enough to go on a date with them.

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just as an off-topic... how are you most likely to feel when you ask someone on a date and they disagree? would you feel angry towards them? is that anger justified? what happens to your self-worth?

I'm going to send an email to my dentist's office and ask for his email. Top this. :lmao: I think it's just about stopping being a coward and doing something, so even if he says no, it's probably not that bad. I think feel worse for not daring to ask him.

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If I did ask someone out on a date and they said no in an "I'm not attracted to you" sort of way, I'd just slink away in embarrassment and spend the evening chewing my nails down to the quick...but I wouldn't be angry with them. It's not against the law to not fancy someone enough to go on a date with them.


You won't get angry but you will get embarassed! Rejection has its impact on us one way or the other, is it not?

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I'm going to send an email to my dentist's office and ask for his email. Top this. :lmao: I think it's just about stopping being a coward and doing something, so even if he says no, it's probably not that bad. I think feel worse for not daring to ask him.


I get your point Loony but my question is how exactly you feel if your OA does not return your feelings. I know its not good to take rejection personally but it hurts, does it not?

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I get your point Loony but my question is how exactly you feel if your OA does not return your feelings. I know its not good to take rejection personally but it hurts, does it not?

If you want to take it personally it is going to hurt. But think rationally, there might be a lot of reasons why this person rejects you. I got two rejections last week. The first one was for an application and I'm definitely not very pleased with it, the other one came from a girl I was giving private tuitions. After one class she wanted to change the teacher, because she thought the chemistry between us wasn't right. It's not great, but it does not always have something to do with you. You need to strengthen your belief in yourself and accept that other people have their own ideas, beliefs, values and that it is not always related to you.

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just as an off-topic... how are you most likely to feel when you ask someone on a date and they disagree? would you feel angry towards them? is that anger justified? what happens to your self-worth?


I haven't had much experience in asking a guy out. Generally, I try to get to know someone first. That way, I am comfortable with them, know some of his likes/dislikes, know if there is anything in common, etc.


The last time, I just told myself that he would say yes or no. I had a 50/50 chance of having it go well. I told myself that if we didn't seem compatible, I would hope that we could be able to talk and be friendly. I was okay with being alone, and figured that I would be alone the rest of my life anyway. So, if we didn't connect, nothing would change.


I wouldn't have felt angry. Disappointed? Probably.

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I have come to the conclusion that our friend JOEL is someone who's playing a long-term gag on all of us at LS. I don't respond to his posts on a serious note anymore. He's quite funny actually....


i am inclined to agree. this is way too whiny and pathetic to be reality.

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i am inclined to agree. this is way too whiny and pathetic to be reality.

the other giveaway is that JOEL posts very infrequently and will start a thread and then not return for a week or two.

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the other giveaway is that JOEL posts very infrequently and will start a thread and then not return for a week or two.


yeah, that too. :)

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I can give you some examples of couples where the girl looked way better than the guy. I can give you way less examples of couples where the guy looked better than the girl.


Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. Not that JA is unattractive by any means - but she was never in BP's league. How that coupling gave us all some hope....and how that hope was cruelly dashed by Angeline Jolie and her out-sized lips.


Then there's your avatar, loony. Colin Firth - helping to foster the pretence that a gorgeous, eligible top notch human rights barrister would fancy Renee Zellwegger when she was bouncing around like an adorably scatty hippo in Bridget Jones # 2.


The real world is cruel at times, but not wholly unbearable


http://www.towels.co.uk/asp/item_page.asp?itemid=1085 (for warmth)




To ensure that every woman can have a happy Valentine's day.

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well if ur a loner and u have like no freinds - and most the freind u have is also a loner and exactly like u -greeat ur network is like nerds that can;t get no girl.

clubs i have no one to go with

i have asked and its no easy all hte decent to avg ones are taken and they all seem to want something better- taller , richer, smarter, i suck at school

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all hte decent to avg ones are taken and they all seem to want something better- taller , richer, smarter, i suck at school


Joel, your profile says that you're 32. Is this correct?

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Kinda sounds like me, I am 22 years old, just out of a 2 year relationship. I am currently student teaching in my last semester of college, so i am not on campus at all, infact i never stayed there anyway i was a commuter student. All of my friends are in their freshmen year of college and we hang out a lot. We all like the same things, cars and hangin out so thats what we spend our free time doing. My one buddy is like the guy joel described, he has a g/f yet he has every girls number and he cheats on his girl a lot.


Along with school, i also work and i have a great work habbit. My employer tells me everyday that im the best employee he ever had and that i go over and above what is asked of me. Because of my job and with some help from my parents i just purchased myself a brand new pickup truck and i feel that my great grades and my dedication to work has earned me this truck.


But like joel said, im not the one with a girl, and if we do go out my buddy who has a g/f gets all the attention. It just seems like im not the type of guy a girl my age wants. I know it doesnt help that i am a rather shy and quiet guy, but i guess thats my fault. I am not into parties and i dont drink so to most girls im not cool. i dont know.....i just wish this was easier.

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I know it doesnt help that i am a rather shy and quiet guy, but i guess thats my fault. I am not into parties and i dont drink so to most girls im not cool. i dont know.....i just wish this was easier.

this may be true now DJRDEI but if you are successful and make $$$ then in 10 or 15 years all the hotties will be chasing you. When you can pick them up for a date in your new mercedes and take them to a 4-star restaurant and then back to your mansion for sex. he he he.


funny thing is that life has a way to even things out. your friend now who gets all the pussy will be mowing lawns for $10/hr and hanging out with skanks. :lmao:

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I know it doesnt help that i am a rather shy and quiet guy, but i guess thats my fault. I am not into parties and i dont drink so to most girls im not cool. i dont know.....i just wish this was easier.


No, it is not your *fault* - it's just how you are. There is nothing wrong with being yourself.


So you're not into parties and you don't drink and some girls don't find you *cool*. Well, those are the kind of girls you don't want anyway. You would be better off seeking out a WOMAN who is more or less on your level of maturity.

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i keep trying to think like what you said alpha. i know that maybe one day in the future it will all come to me, its just dealing with being single now, it sucks.

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this may be true now DJRDEI but if you are successful and make $$$ then in 10 or 15 years all the hotties will be chasing you. When you can pick them up for a date in your new mercedes and take them to a 4-star restaurant and then back to your mansion for sex. he he he.


funny thing is that life has a way to even things out. your friend now who gets all the pussy will be mowing lawns for $10/hr and hanging out with skanks. :lmao:


I think about the same thing often except I'll trade the mercedes for a beemer...but seriously I feel worse afterwards, like all I MIGHT have to get a girl is money. I'm not even there yet. And I know studying for the sake of getting chicks doesn't sound right.


I'm kinda like djrdei...freshman in college, shy and quiet (I try not to be but right now is the best I can get), excellent grades, nice guy and all that. I'm not into parties either and I only drink socially if I'm at a party (like 2times since college?)

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anyone now of why some guys never are single-always have a date or gf...... while some guys like me -can;t even get a single girl to date me other than an very obese girl which i find very unattrative-hey i even try too.


Well, its like this:


You know how there was this girl that wanted to date you? And you know how you found her very unattractive? Well, that's also how it is between you and the girls you do want to date, only in reverse.


Hope this helps.

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