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why soem guys get so many girls and why other like me get none

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hahaha... we just can't direct our hearts to fall in love with some one.. do we? :p


yes indeed. struggling with that on my own thread over in dating. but - c'est l'amour, whatcha gonna do? :love::laugh: :laugh:

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NoClob, have you seen the amount of "nice" guys who are running after some "beautiful" girl? They attribute any kind of positive sh*t to her and I'm sure it's not due to her fantastic inner values. And have you seen how other guys talk about women? They want the hot babes.


You're not going to convince that women are more superficial than men.


Both sides are superficial. There are women who are just as visually motivated as men.


Some women want the *hot studs* just as much as some men want the *hot babes*.

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Joel, you sound like a bit of a nerd. I don't say that to be unkind, but we both know that people your age (you've got to be in your teens) are generally categorised as one or the other.


Um . . . when I read the first post, I wondered how old Joel was. I thought he was in his teens as well. His profile says that he is 32. :eek:


if he opens his mouth and is a blithering idiot, an obnoxious turd, or a pu$$y, you can tell almost instantly. 5 minutes is overdoing it sometimes.
All a guy has to do is say the "F" word and I've lost interest. I was listening to someone once who said it three times in one sentence. :rolleyes:
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All a guy has to do is say the "F" word and I've lost interest. I was listening to someone once who said it three times in one sentence. :rolleyes:


All it takes for me to lose interest is a woman saying the word *like* in almost every sentence. :)

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Um . . . when I read the first post, I wondered how old Joel was. I thought he was in his teens as well. His profile says that he is 32. :eek:




Oh dear....I'm not sure what to say. Joel, would you be interested in attending a course on flirting with women? Residential, two week, £4500 (US$7,850) all inclusive? I'm thinking of moving into consultancy work, and it's never too early to hustle for business.

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Oh dear....I'm not sure what to say. Joel, would you be interested in attending a course on flirting with women? Residential, two week, £4500 (US$7,850) all inclusive? I'm thinking of moving into consultancy work, and it's never too early to hustle for business.


Why spend so much when you can get the best advice right here on LS for free? :bunny:

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All it takes for me to lose interest is a woman saying the word *like* in almost every sentence. :)


I don't like it either, but I've been doing a lot of that myself lately. :eek: Don't know why, but I catch myself AFTER I say it. :(:mad:


As far as physical attraction goes, I'm attracted to someone with nice, friendly eyes and/or smile. His receding hairline, his height or the shape of his nose, etc. don't matter.

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Why spend so much when you can get the best advice right here on LS for free? :bunny:


Suuure... complete with put-downs, name-calling, and mockery too. :rolleyes:

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I don't like it either, but I've been doing a lot of that myself lately. :eek: Don't know why, but I catch myself AFTER I say it. :(:mad:


Yeah, gotta switch off the teevee... or at least watch stuff from the 70s and earlier. People back then didn't talk like that. :)

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Why spend so much when you can get the best advice right here on LS for free? :bunny:


Well I would spend the dough, just for a trip to GB and the company of the delightful lindya. :love:

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Ahhh . . . his profile says that he is 32 and was born in 1974 . . .




Either somebody doesn't know their birthdate or is terrible at maths...

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Well I would spend the dough, just for a trip to GB and the company of the delightful lindya. :love:


I second that :love: :love: :love:

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Ahhh . . . his profile says that he is 32 and was born in 1974 . . .



I have come to the conclusion that our friend JOEL is someone who's playing a long-term gag on all of us at LS. I don't respond to his posts on a serious note anymore. He's quite funny actually....

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Well I would spend the dough, just for a trip to GB and the company of the delightful lindya. :love:


You'll be acting as co-consultant. $300 per day.

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Suuure... complete with put-downs, name-calling, and mockery too. :rolleyes:


there is a feature called PM, feel free to use it :p

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Yeah, gotta switch off the teevee... or at least watch stuff from the 70s and earlier. People back then didn't talk like that. :)


Well, I think that people like used to say "like" more in the late 80s, so like I'm either slow to like catch up or I'm like bringing in back into like vogue. But like, yeah, I'll try turning off the TV. :lmao:

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I second that :love: :love: :love:


This is looking decidedly promising. I will start googling venues for the course and day-dreaming about buying my first small villa in the Caribbean with the proceeds!

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And an ignore feature. :p Okay, I'll like stop, so I don't get a note saying that I'm like annoying. :lmao:


i was like wondering about the "alert us" option.... :lmao: :lmao:

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just as an off-topic... how are you most likely to feel when you ask someone on a date and they disagree? would you feel angry towards them? is that anger justified? what happens to your self-worth?

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