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why soem guys get so many girls and why other like me get none

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Well, its like this:


You know how there was this girl that wanted to date you? And you know how you found her very unattractive? Well, that's also how it is between you and the girls you do want to date, only in reverse.


Hope this helps.

I have to admit, the way Joel talks about girls who don't meet his high expectations makes it quite difficult for me to feel very much sympathy for his cause. Now he is an unsuccessful arrogant dude who one day may become a successful arrogant dude. Ugh.

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hi there


my name is D and well im 18 and im the sort of person many girls would'nt be attracted to, but there is this girl and well she is the most beautyful girl i have ever seen in my life and i really wana be her bf but i have no chance :(


i was hoping if any1 could give me some tips please.

i really love her.


thanks alot

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