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i dont know !!


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i have been in love with my girl for about 2 1/2 years. about two months ago she said we need to take a break so she can think. after about 6 days we got back together. and then out of the bule she broke up with me. this was right before x-mass and her birthday which was dec 28th. she was turning 18. i was extremely heart broken, she was my life, she ment the world to me, she was the reason i woke up every day, i love her more than life it self. about five days after she broke up with me she started seeing this guy that said he was 18. after her birthday he told her that he was really 20 and that he got kicked out of the military for killing someone and he spent a year in jail for it. i tryed calling her to find out why she broke up with me but she would never stay on long enough to talk too. she would only call me when she wanted something from me or she needed something. untill one day about a week ago she called me and came over to hang out. this is when she told me the stuff about her new boyfriend. she also said that he was missing for a few days and his parents were looking for him but they haddent heard from him. she was afraid that he might hit or abuse her. she only stayed for about five min and then she had to go i asked her if i could have a hug and she gave me one. i tryed calling her a few times and she would not rutern my calls. she called me for something and i met her to give something to her and she told me that her new bf was hitting her in the head with a watter bottle while she was driving and he wouldnt stop so she kicked him out of the car. but she was spending the night at his house that night. i asked her if we could hang out some time and at least talk. she said she would like to on thursday tomorrow. i called her tonight so see what was going on tomorrow and she told me that she doesnt think she can hang out now even thought she has nothing going on no school no work.


i dont know what to do i love her with all my heart. is she just using me to get things? i want to be back with her more than any thing. please help me


oh and i want to leave a unsigned note that says will you be my valentine with some roses on her door steep for valentines day.

Do you thikn this is a good idea or not?


please help me out i dont know how to get her back

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Well, you have quite the difficult situation here, but allow me to offer you some advice.


First off, don’t send her anything/call too much. He might think that she is cheating on him and smack her around some more. Obviously it’s an abusive relationship and you don’t want to be the catalyst for a smacking session.


I think you should give her her space until she seeks you out again. Once she does, tell her you can’t continue to be in her life if she’s going to keep making these poor decisions. I mean, she left you for Mr. “I likka smakky you!”. And then she comes to you for help when she is afraid. Truly I hope everything works out, but you need to distance yourself so that she can see how much she needs you.


Well, anyway, that’s just my take on it.

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