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can someone help me understand this

what the hell's going on

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what the hell's going on

can anyone explain this to me?


a guy does the following:


he's friends with me for 2 yrs


then asks me out


i say yes ... i also say to take it slow cuz of my previous relationship


we go out once after that. he acts as a total friend.


next day, i suggested doing smth this weekend.


he can't because he's going out with his friends - all 3 nights.


he is busy the following weekend because he's out of town.


but weekdays are fine for him (gee, thanks)


he says sorry for being busy, but he isn't elaborate on it & says he has to sleep cuz tomorrow is an early wake up.


my question - what the hell?


he acts like he doesn't like me AT ALL, doesn't he?


so why ask me out? i just feel so stupid for saying yes now!

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I understand what you are saying, but i really do believe that you are being a bit unreasonable.....


I see that you wrote here, that you havent been with him that long...so why expect his weekend nights already?


My new boyfriend and I have been together for just over 4 weeks, and I see him roughly 2 days a week....but I have never asked for a weekend night....even though he wanted to do something....


the first weekend night (friday night) i will be spending with him is next weekend....but i didnt push for this, i simply asked him if he wanted to do something!


Go out with your friends, do anything! Just dont expect Friday or Saturday nights with them yet, as it just doesnt happen unless they got no friends!!!

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what the hell's going on

Hmm, i think you're right, to an extent ...


The ball is 100% in his court now, i'll see what he does ... if he doesn't make any effort to see me for the next week or two, i'll just write him off ...


i know he's gotta go out w/ friends and stuff, but esp. as a new gf, i expect a lil more attention, ya know?...


Thanks for your reply :)

I understand what you are saying, but i really do believe that you are being a bit unreasonable.....


I see that you wrote here, that you havent been with him that long...so why expect his weekend nights already? My new boyfriend and I have been together for just over 4 weeks, and I see him roughly 2 days a week....but I have never asked for a weekend night....even though he wanted to do something....


the first weekend night (friday night) i will be spending with him is next weekend....but i didnt push for this, i simply asked him if he wanted to do something! Go out with your friends, do anything! Just dont expect Friday or Saturday nights with them yet, as it just doesnt happen unless they got no friends!!!

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I understand what you are coming at....


I mean, I am in the same situation, being with someone new....


The thing is, when he told me he wasnt going to the army this weekend, and he was gonna take the weekend off to study, i didnt automatically assume that he was going to see me....since then i have received a couple of phonecalls and i am seeing him on sunday as planned....


Just let him have the ball for 2 weeks or so,and if he plays you around, show him the door!


I know we prolly live in different countries and we do things differently, but this works so much with our Aussie men!

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