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Blind Otters rule of thumb.......any thoughts?

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My rule of thumb is, do you get invited to hang with them....


The above is a quote from BO on another thread that I thought I would post as a seperate thread to get some thoughts on this issue from the other LS'ers. I agree with BO, but I am not sure what inferences can be drawn for sure.


If you are not invited to hang with your SO's friends, what conclusions do you draw, especially in the case of a opoposite sex friend?

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If my SO never invited me to hang out with his friends, whether they were male or female, I would be a bit worried. Though I do understand that when you are in a relationship you need some time on your own, to never meet them or hang out with them is odd.


I would think one of these:

a) he's somehow embarrassed of me or them

b) he knows that I/they wouldn't like them/me

c) he is hiding something


As long as my SO doesn't hide the fact that he has a friend who is a girl that he hangs out with then I wouldn't be bothered. It's only if they seem guilty or secretive that would make me feel uneasy.

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Yes its odd how our friends seem to fall into different categories.


Your a) and b) are definate possiblities Barfool.


Of course one can never rule out c).


I wonder how you tell? Wouldn't it be great for your SO to say I am too embarressed of you to introduce you to my friend/s?:laugh:

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Wouldn't it be great for your SO to say I am too embarressed of you to introduce you to my friend/s?:laugh:


That would be awful! I would say "well I'm embarrassed about the wookie hair on your back but I still go to the beach with you."

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That would be awful! I would say "well I'm embarrassed about the wookie hair on your back but I still go to the beach with you."


wookie hair on your back


Just as long as he looks like Han Solo from the front eh?:laugh:

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Just as long as he looks like Han Solo from the front eh?:laugh:


If he looks like Han Solo from the front then he could have scales and a tail and I would still do him. Mmmmmm...Han....

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If you are not invited to hang with your SO's friends, what conclusions do you draw, especially in the case of a opoposite sex friend?


Nights out with the boys apart, I'd probably conclude that the person wasn't my significant other after all.

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I wonder if this quote from from my post. :lmao:

I think BO said this to my thread about opposite sexs being friends..


I would be totally weirded out and upset if my bf didn't invite me or want me to hang out with him and his friends. Let alone not be allowed to meet them

1. first of all; I would think he didn't want to get caught being involved with me because there is someone else in his life.

2. he is involved with someone else and he doesn't want that person to know about me

3. he is afraid I would like one of his friends better and I would dump him for one of them.

4. he hangs around with a bunch of losers and if I met them I wouldn't approve and it would cause problems in our relationship.


I have had bfs not want me to meet his friends. Also, I've had bfs that wouldn't let me hang out with him & his buddies.


(Its obvious that I am not with those bfs anymore...)


I don't hide my friends from my bf. I WANT them to meet. I wouldn't leave my bf alone with any of them for long because thats looking for trouble...

I've had gfs seduce my bf in the past and the bf failed... So I won't risk leaving my man alone with a female friend.....


Im glad Charlie wants me to meet his friends but I am leary of close female friendships.

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I actually didn't WANT to hang with psycho ex's friends. They were all cracked out and drunk way too much. Even for me! (hah, the blurry days....)


So an addendum is - would YOU want to hang with SO's friends...

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So an addendum is - would YOU want to hang with SO's friends...

I would/do want to meet them but if they are nutz then I will decline in the future or maybe I would see my SO true colors when he is around his friends..


I had a Xbf who's mother use to tell him "show me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are!"

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I had a Xbf who's mother use to tell him "show me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are!"


Thats an interesting one Pada, I'll have a think about one.


Sounds like it could be true, but I think we have different groups of friends with different intersts.


I find it a little suspicious when the friend is of the opposite sex and no introduction is forthcoming.

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Thats an interesting one Pada, I'll have a think about one.


Sounds like it could be true, but I think we have different groups of friends with different intersts.


I find it a little suspicious when the friend is of the opposite sex and no introduction is forthcoming.


Well yeah. I would be, too. The only time I ever did that was when I was cheating. Not necessarily physically, but definatley emotionally, ya know.

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Well yeah. I would be, too. The only time I ever did that was when I was cheating. Not necessarily physically, but definatley emotionally, ya know.


And what happened in the end Blind_Otter? Did you end up with your friend or boyfriend? How did your bf react? Did he even find out?

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And what happened in the end Blind_Otter? Did you end up with your friend or boyfriend? How did your bf react? Did he even find out?


Yes he found out and the relationship ended. I didn't end up with the friend because I felt guilty. So I ended up with no one, and with a new attitude about friends of the opposite sex....

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Yes he found out and the relationship ended. I didn't end up with the friend because I felt guilty. So I ended up with no one, and with a new attitude about friends of the opposite sex....



Ok, thanks.


Is there a thread about this on LS?


I would be interested to hear more.

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