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things in limbo

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As I mentioned in my pervious post I was seeing this girl briefly. On Wednesday I stayed over at her house. Now she doesn’t feel the butterflies with me and hanging out was given in limbo answers from her so I’m not even sure about anything. I got very mixed and dead end answer from the hrs we talked. Well this Saturday we were suppose to hang out at her house, it was a suggestion from her that I asked if was still on Wends when I slept over at her place. From what I got, she wasn’t sure and she said her mind might change, she might get into the mood to want to hang out. So here’s my question. Should I email her at some point today asking about tomorrow? As for phoning we talked about that and again from what I could make out she’ll phone me if she wants to hang out one day or gets in “the mood”. Any opinions? Thanks in advance.

Also I'll note she thanked me Wendnesday but felt bad for taking advantage of me or so she put it because she hasn't been with a guy in years. That made my mind think wtf? So she got what she wanted and now wants her bookworm life back? Should I email? I still want to hang out with her at her place on saturday, she's going to be home all night anyways babysitting her cousins. (We are both in out mid twenties.)

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