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Am I just being parinoid?

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I got back together with my ex whom I didn't speak to for a few years a little over a month ago. Things are going very well right now except I'm experiencing for the first time with anyone jealousy over one of his ex's. He is friends with almost all the girls he's dated still and this truely doesn't bother me, with the grand exception of one of them. This particular ex (whom he's dated and been dumped by five times) has a reputation for sleeping around with a lot of guys (although she didn't sleep with my boyfriend). She continues to email and call him at all hours of the night just to "chat" and she wants him to come over to her house to help her out with some stuff. According to mutual acquaintances she's the kind of girl who considers it a fun challenge to seduce or at least taunt her ex's when they're dating someone else. This was all really bothering me and it didn't take him long to pick up on it since we always tell eachother when somethings wrong. He offered to cut off all contact with her since according to him she's not a pleasant person to be friends with. He even deleted and blocked her on his msn contact list right infront of me even though I told him it wasn't necessary since I trust him. She continues to call him even though he wont pick up when it's her. He's fine with the situation now but I've been feelinig guilty and rethinking it. I'm afraid I'm turning into a controlling parinoid girlfriend by having him cut off contact with her just because of my insecurity with it. Did I have a right to tell him how I felt about his friendship with her? Or should I have kept my mouth shut and trusted that he wouldn't fall for her tricks?

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If he didn't have a problem cutting her off, I'd let it go with that. He has other friends who you don't have a problem with so unless you're doing this all the time I think it's fine. Now, if you begin to suspect everyone, there is a problem.


By the way, no matter what her tricks are, if he loves you he won't fall for them so she's really not important in that way- his actions are, however.

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Thank you for your input. I guess I just needed just reassurance that I wasn't overstepping my bounds or something. And no, I've never even felt jealous or been parinoid about anyone I was dating speaking to their ex's, this is the first time I've felt that so that also probably has something to do with why I second guessed myself and posted about it.

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