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I think but don't know

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I have known this girl for about 2 and a half years. I never noticed her much until about a year ago. I was one of the least popular kids in the school but I set myself straight and now I'm more easier to talk to and I care for people more. I unintentionally let out that I liked her on a conversation on msn with this other female friend of mine (The one I liked was hanging out with her) Next morning I went up to her and confessed and she said she was cool with it. That was 3~4 months ago. We became friends and it's not a usual one because she hardly talks (not just to me but she's really shy and quiet) I have noticed that she chose me other than other boys when in drama class, the teacher wanted a group of 3 with at least 1 girl or 1 boy in it. she also chose to be in my group in a socials project Etc. when I talk to her she sometimes sounds interested and sometimes not. She sometimes seem to mirror my actions, which could be a sign that she is interested in me but I'm not sure. When she emails me, she only mails me about projects and questions about school things. I always try to talk to her she sometimes seems intrested and sometimes not. She only sometimes makes me think that she's not interested in me with her actions and words. She's half spanish and I'm a korean. She's introvert and I'm Extrovert.


What could I do to get her to interested in me?

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