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I feel real lost..


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I am 24. already being promoted to corproate communications manager. i was corproate communications exe. and i feel a bit lost..collegues with similar age being to show jealous eyes on me. seems to request me acting no arrogant as before. but arrogant of coz on reasonable ground is my character. that's why my boss promotted me. well, i don;t want to change it. i meanwhile feel unhappy. what should i do?

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Work is work, not a social situation. People who are subordinate to you at work aren't going to love you all the time. Get used to it. If you're going to go up the ladder in your company, you'll just have to understand that those you leave behind will be jealous. It's just a fact of life.


Look for friends away from the workplace. Be concerned about how they feel about you. At work, do your job and if others are jealous or don't like you, to hell with them.


Treat all your subordinates at work fairly and with consideration and respect but remember, you are not at work to win a popularity contest. You are there to make money for the company, plain and simple.


Do your job well and don't give anything else a second thought.

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