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Its kind of cool to receive some wrods of encouragement but those who make silly comments, would be interested if they really know what they are doing with the lives?


Just don't know, I just cannot understand how people connect to one another. Saw the other day, a guy talked nasty things about another guy and five mins later he was all smooth talking to the guy he was bitching.


Its people like these that makes me want to scream. Is it because they are insecure? or am I? Kinda confusing, can't connect. Not sure whether I am the normal or the abnormal one?

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You just have to do the best you can to connect with the people you deem worthy. Otherwise, don't be concerned. You'll never change the world except for your tiny part of it. That's all that is necessary.


You are neither normal or abnormal. You are unique and you are you. Celebrate that and use your intelligence to get through all this as best you can.

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Thanks tony. yes. your words make me feel i'm not alone. it's touching. I will try the very best. i can make it i think.


Are you sour junkie PHILOSPHER, King of the Abyss?? Curious what's the most important thing in your life?? full of sigh!


You just have to do the best you can to connect with the people you deem worthy. Otherwise, don't be concerned. You'll never change the world except for your tiny part of it. That's all that is necessary.


You are neither normal or abnormal. You are unique and you are you. Celebrate that and use your intelligence to get through all this as best you can.

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1. "Are you sour junkie PHILOSPHER, King of the Abyss??"


No, more like ruler of the Universe.


2. "Curious what's the most important thing in your life??"


The lobster salad sandwiches at a little place on South Howard Avenue. They are the best.


Thank you for asking...and you should try the lobster salad.

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tony...I'm curious to know what the second most important thing is in your life, next to the lobster salad, of course

1. "Are you sour junkie PHILOSPHER, King of the Abyss??" No, more like ruler of the Universe. 2. "Curious what's the most important thing in your life??" The lobster salad sandwiches at a little place on South Howard Avenue. They are the best.


Thank you for asking...and you should try the lobster salad.

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