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How to be friend with my ex again?

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I broke up with my ex-bf a month ago cuz of some disagreemetns. He did something to hurt my feeling and I also did and said something nasty to him as well. However, after a few weeks, I was regret of what I did. I want to retain friendship with him as I know he is the only one who understand me well and give me suggestions and support of whatever I do. He is even better than my best friend that's why I want to retain friendship with him. Besidess, we are working in the same industry so we have lots of common topics to discuss with . What is the best way to be friend with him again as he did say he doesn't want to see me anymore.

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I'd say the first step is to apologize for the mean things you said and did to him. Then see if he apologizes for what he said and/or did to you. Those are the first steps.


If the apologies go well, then there may be some basis for a friendship. If not, just forget it.


You better think long and hard exactly why you want to be his friend. If you still have feelings for him, it would not be in your best interests to be around when he starts dating other people and telling you all about it.

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