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Is she playing games?


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I have this female friend which I’m very interested in. So I decided to ask her on a date and to my surprise she accepted. After the date touch date we kept in touch by phone calls and e-mails. She told me she enjoys the time we spent together so I decided to ask out again. I took her out for her birthday and even got her a video ipod as a surprised gift. Not to long ago, she called me special. She told me no-one has ever treated her like I did. And I was a special friend and have special place in her life. However, she left for a month to visit her family outside the U.S. When she returned, to my surprise, she did even notify me to let me know that she was back. I called her maybe about 6 or 7 times before she returns my call. Now she’s always to busy to talk or to write an e-mail. I felt like I’m getting brushed aside. A week ago, I ask her to be my valentine and we made plans to go out and do something (which she accepted) but at the last minute she cancelled.


What should I do? Should I keep pursuing this girl or just called it quits?

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She has clearly put you in the * friendzone * of which is a hellish pit you probrobly wont be able to get out of...


Find someone else that appreciates you.

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Video Ipod? Isn't that thing expensive, kinda a thing you would give to a GIRLFRIEND after a year at least, doncha think? I concur with the above poster, you are indeed in the friends zone.

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She doesn't return your calls. She's canceled your Valentines date. And you're wondering if you should still pursue her? I think you know the answer already.

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She has clearly put you in the * friendzone * of which is a hellish pit you probrobly wont be able to get out of...


I figured that out when she did not retun my call. She said her phone was out of order and she was to busy at work to check her e-mails. I just dont get her. After that incident, she calls and email me everynight.



Video Ipod? Isn't that thing expensive, kinda a thing you would give to a GIRLFRIEND after a year at least,


Yes that was dumb on my part. But she wanted an ipod since I met her, so i decided to give to her for a birthday/X-mas gift since both days are in the same week.



She doesn't return your calls. She's canceled your Valentines date. And you're wondering if you should still pursue her? I think you know the answer already.


That's what got me real upset and disappointed with her because of the cancellation of, and get this, the date she planned. If she’s not interested she needs to stop sending me mixed signals and tell me lets just be friends.

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You need to tell HER that you just want to be her friend and then get on with your life. ( I suggest NC because she has been avoiding you ).


Simple text message should do it. She hasnt given you dignity here so texting should be perfectly fine in this case.

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I say move on. If she really liked you, she would let you know it. In the future, don't give such expensive gifts to someone you just started dating. It makes you look desperate.

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Cool. Thanx for all the advice. But its so hard to let go someone you really like and enjoy. However, it hast to be done. She just send me an e-mail saying that she wants to meet up and give me my Valentine gift. But I guest when I e-mail her back I'll let her know the situation.

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she put you on the back burner.

just tell her when she didnt respond in the first place, you assumed she canceled the date and now you have other plans on tuesday and you will have to get back with her.


then blow her off.

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She just wants a Valentine gift from you. She thinks she has you by the balls. Prove otherwise and dont meet up with her.

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you're "SPARE" ...she obviously have other options andwill only bother to fall back to you when shehasnt anyone else to fallback on......so thats the only reason i can see why she doesnt really come clean.


and her accepting of your rather generous gift makes me wonder her intentions.

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She just wants a Valentine gift from you. She thinks she has you by the balls. Prove otherwise and dont meet up with her.


Well today suppose to be the big day. She called me right after I wrote her an e-mail about her attentions. She said (and I quote) "You worry to much. You have to come and meet me, so I can give your gift...and so I can see you too." But what I dont understand why is she expecting me to buy her lingerie when Im just a friend?

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you're "SPARE" ...and her accepting of your rather generous gift makes me wonder her intentions.


Thats what I thought in the begining. She showed me sign that when she want something that's the only time she has time for me. I think shes might be involved but she never told me.

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