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someone please help!!??!!


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My girlfriend and I have been going out for a year and half now, and i don't understand how things can change so fast in less than a month. Here's the situation, in August we moved in together, we were both so ecstatic about it, but the first couple of nights she broke down and cried her eyes out because she was homesick. After these couple of days she went back to her parent's house and i went back to mine (it was a radical & harsh step for me since i was about to start my first year of college, but i wanted everything back way it was). a week later,she started acting really weird. i asked her what was wrong and she said that she wasn't SURE about us anymore, and that she didn't know why she was feeling this. We let it pass as nothing, but a week later things were still not right with her. so we broke up, but got together again 3 hours later. she said she couldn't stand being apart. Once again we let it pass, but a week later(last night), we broke up again, it was such a dramatic and painful moment, we never cried so much in our lives. She's not sure about us, since i'm her first boyfriend, so she's scared. she said it wouldn't be fair to me if we kept on, not knowing if US is right and meant to be. I received a call at 2 a.m. from her (crying more than before, she was miserable).She said that she couldn't think of eachother being with anyone else. Soo, now were back together(technically), but we agreed to take serious time off, to find out if she is really sure about US.She says she knows she loves me, though. She's stuck between not wanting to leave me, but unsure if she wants to stay with me. God i love her so much, she is my dream, I AM SURE. someone please help!!!! Will time really tell?


sorry it's so long-Alexc

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i can tell she cares about you from what you typed...sounds to me you went to fast when you two moved in together...that is a big step and you really should have waited till you guys were serious enuf to get married.....maybe she is scared about the relationship getting so serious...sometimes people don't realize what they are getting into until they already got their self in it...you two really need to sit and talk...if it takes hours or minutes...you really need to set down and talk it out...tell your hearts to each other....and if she loves you and wants you in her life then she will tell you but her actions is what counts....but i think you shouldn't even do the moving in together thing....you should really wait on that anyways....wait till you know you want to spend the rest of your life with her and then marriage comes in the picture...that's when that should have happened...that is probably why this is all happening.....you can't live with someone that isn't ready to spend their life with you....but put faith in God and listen to your heart...


My girlfriend and I have been going out for a year and half now, and i don't understand how things can change so fast in less than a month. Here's the situation, in August we moved in together, we were both so ecstatic about it, but the first couple of nights she broke down and cried her eyes out because she was homesick. After these couple of days she went back to her parent's house and i went back to mine (it was a radical & harsh step for me since i was about to start my first year of college, but i wanted everything back way it was). a week later,she started acting really weird. i asked her what was wrong and she said that she wasn't SURE about us anymore, and that she didn't know why she was feeling this. We let it pass as nothing, but a week later things were still not right with her. so we broke up, but got together again 3 hours later. she said she couldn't stand being apart. Once again we let it pass, but a week later(last night), we broke up again, it was such a dramatic and painful moment, we never cried so much in our lives. She's not sure about us, since i'm her first boyfriend, so she's scared. she said it wouldn't be fair to me if we kept on, not knowing if US is right and meant to be. I received a call at 2 a.m. from her (crying more than before, she was miserable).She said that she couldn't think of eachother being with anyone else. Soo, now were back together(technically), but we agreed to take serious time off, to find out if she is really sure about US.She says she knows she loves me, though. She's stuck between not wanting to leave me, but unsure if she wants to stay with me. God i love her so much, she is my dream, I AM SURE. someone please help!!!! Will time really tell? sorry it's so long-Alexc
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