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Is he interested?????

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Hi All,


I am in a very frustrating situation and I was wondering if anyone out there had some useful advice for me.


I have been working with this guy for a few months now. Since he started workk with us, some coworkers had pointed out to me that this guy might like me. So I watched for the signs and seen some flirting going on there. But I didn't think to much of it, because it is work.


We hung out a few times with his friends and had a few beer or drinks. He hung out with me and my friends a few times, but nothing ever happened. We were at a club one night and we were dancing and laughing and carrying on. Then the last song came on and as I was walking off the dance floor he put his hand around my waist and asked me to stay on the dance floor with him.


During the Christmas holidays, we had a party at work and he was there. He lives out of town, so I offered him a place to stay for the night. So we were just sat talking to each other and stuff having a few drinks and he asked me if I would mind him sleeping in my bed with me. I didn't object, it was nice to have someone to cuddle with again.LOL.


So the other night, he stayed with me all night again. He slept in my bed with me again and we cuddled all night. This time it was different....he held me closer and he was staring at me more, and always asking me what was wrong with me and stuff like that. So anyways, we were chatting and stuff, and I had mentioned that alot of people were making comments at work and stuff like that and he told me to not get embarrassed if anyone did and to just forget what they were saying because they have no reason to interfere in my life and I had no reason to be embarrassed.


Anyways, I am so confused because this guy have been in my bed with me twice and hasn't made a move on me. I am a very shy person and I kinda think he is too when it comes to girls. I don't know if he is interested, not interested, to shy or just has alot of respect for me. Can someone please help me??????


Thank you in advance.

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The guy you speak of is interested in being more than friends. The only other possibility I can think of as a guy is he might be gay. This sounds unlikely though. If you think he's shy, then ask him straightfoward. He may consider it disrespectful to ask to sleep with you and try to advance without knowing if you like him as more of a friend himself. It sounds like you've got self-doubt, which is very normal when you like someone, we tend to analyze everything and make them a bigger deal than they should be. Its only hard to figure out when you're the one in the spotlight. Good luck. Hope this helped.

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Is he interested in me? YES! He is in your bed! Seriously, he likes you. He probably doesnt want to move to fast for whatever reasons. He is also asking what is wrong, because he wants to know what you are thinking. Tell him it feels good to "snuggle" things like that. It could lead into a deeper conversation as well.......:)

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