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Lost in the sea

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YOU ASK: "I lost the sense who I am, why I am and what I do here. Got a clue? Pls Help."


I don't know why this comes as no surprise to me. I have no clue at all.

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Okay, can you give a little more information on that? Did you just go through a break up? or did something else happen?

I think that this happens to a lot of people and you just have to start all over again. What about friends? Do you have some friends around you you can talk to? I don't think you've lost the sense of who you are as much as maybe some big change in your life just occurred and it's very confusing to you. Does that sound right?


Try talking to someone who is close to you and if you don't have someone, then keep talking to us. I don't know what has happened to you recently to make you feel this way but it sounds like something rather major.


The best advice I can give you is to try and relax. Many people in the world (including me!) do not take change very well, life is like that though, it's constantly changing. So whatever you do, you need to realize that maybe what has happened to you has happened for a reason. I have been through the worst break up of my life and two months ago, I didn't want to see the light of day again. I was severely depressed and I thought my life was totally over.


So, what I did: I took a little break, from work, from school and started talking to my friends and family more often than I had in a long time. It helped tremendously. If you can't take any time off, then try to make time for yourself during the week, maybe an hour here or there. Try to do new things, exercising, reading a book, something to entertain yourself for a short period of time.


Every day I have at least one thought about the person that I am and how I have completely changed. Some change for the better and some not. It's hard when you are clouded by negative thoughts, that's why you try to do little things for yourself to take some of the pressure off.


You can't look to other people for a sense of who you are, it is something you must find within yourself. I think you do have a clue, you just sound confused and tired maybe? Try to think about things you like, dislike? There are things that you like and dislike I am sure,hmm?


Think of things you enjoy doing, how about trying new things, maybe going to a church to help meet new circles of people or spending a little time outdoors? Spending time with friends?


I am not sure what might have happened to make you feel this way but it's got to be something, if you have more information to give on this I'd like to hear it. I am certainly no expert and my advice is just an opinion but I've been depressed about my life before so maybe some of what I've written will help you.


If you think you can't confide in friends or family, you are totally wrong, look to them for support because they are your greatest strength in getting through whatever it is you may be going through right now. Never underestimate your friends, they really do come through when you need them.



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