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Have I ruined everything?

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I need help!!


I've been best friends with a guy for years now, and over the last year or so it has turned into more than that. We get on really well and there's definitely chemistry there, but things are getting a little weird now.


He knows that I want more - like a proper relationship, rather than just a casual thing - but he's scared. He's a little older than me, but is very inexperienced with relationships (if you get what I mean!). So, although he's interested, I think he feels a little inadequate, even though I've told him that that's stupid.


Anyway, we went out with a big group of his friends the other night and had a really great time. But, his friends are really keen for us to get together and so kind of stir things up a bit by asking questions! Ususally that's fine, but on this occassion, I'd had a few to drink and maybe shared a little too much with the group! (nothing personal, just commenting on not knowing what to do to make him relax and maybe take things further). BUT...he overheard the conversation and so now he's totally retreated!


He's sent me messages saying he's sorry he's messed me around and that I could go and meet other people who aren't weird, etc. No matter what I say, he still feels inadequate (and I know I was totally out of line). Have I ruined everything? I really like him and he likes me too - it just seems like we're never going to get it together. Help!!

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Well, I can understand why he would feel insecure around you. You already broke his trust and it will be hard to win that back. On the other hand, in your defense, if he really loved you, than he would not feel inadequete, because a relationship is based on trust, which obviously you both don't seem to have. Anyway,goodluck!

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