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I am a new student, 2 weeks now. On my first day I could hear multiple groups of girls saying how hot i was. I have little trouble with talking to average girls but when i meat a girl that i am extremely interested in i have trouble. They are quite, I am at school too. There is this 1 girl in my biology class DARK BROWN STRAIGHT LONG HAIR, DARK DARK BROWN EYES, MOST BEAUTIFUL SMILE EVER, NICE BUILD(SMALL PATITE), 14-15 (im 16), short, GREAT STUDENT, OBVIOUSLY DISLIKES SMOKERS. Here is the sit: I wore this 1 muscle type camo shirt 1 day and all the girls and teachers were commiting on how good it looks. I noticed here looking at me i was standing b4 the bell rang for class to start. I glanced over at here and she looked away really fast. Then as i looked away i could see outa the corner of my eye she was lookn again. Then it happened again. I usually wear polo shirts and nice trendy jeans faded not really baggy. She wears trendy stuff to ok ok we are both kinda the prepy tipe sorta. We both check our grades in class on the computers (place of opertunity?) I am a straight a student as i think she is. I have a lil acne not much. Anyways. lol after that day i saw here 1 day when we had a sub and both of us were setting there while the rest of the class was extremely roudy. I glanced over and she was looking at me . I sorta shuck my head in dissapprovement and smiled a lil (about the routy class). she sorta smiled a lil then slowly we both looked away. I saw here in the hall 2 dif times and she made eye contact there too. I think she has some general enterest she is so quite what could i do and or say to get here talking with me. what should i do to approach here. HELP!!! SHE IS MY DREAM GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think she is the most beautiful thing....... gosh im haven problems sad all the time when im not around here lol this sucks help!!!! PS the class has a thing almost every day where we sometimes partner up and do things on the pc here partner is usually this girll who is my age and acts rather interested in me she wouldnt stop staring at me then smiled then asked where i was from and started a conversation with me anyways i dont like outgoing girls much dont know why just dont. I like the quite type so HELP what should i do to approach here and or talk pss in this class there are these portarican girls who always flirting with me but they are slutty type sorry bout the word but true one slaped my butt and another was trying to pull my shirt up to see my abs in class!!! anyways i think they may be ruinen me rep with the girl i like help!!!!

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Citizen Erased

Honey, you sound so cute! I see you are afraid that these sk@nky girls are ruining your rep with this girl, so I suggest you just ignore them. Just act uninterested and they will leave you alone! This girl is obviously shy and you will need to make the first move so just strike up a conversation with her. By the sounds of it, you are both feeling the attraction so why not just go for it? You have nothing to lose...


Just be friendly, keep looking like your cute little self and the attraction will grow. *sighs* I miss High School, falling in love with people, the sideways looks, the flirting.... I hate being an adult!

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I am a new student, 2 weeks now. On my first day I could hear multiple groups of girls saying how hot i was. I have little trouble with talking to average girls but when i meat a girl that i am extremely interested in i have trouble. They are quite, I am at school too. There is this 1 girl in my biology class DARK BROWN STRAIGHT LONG HAIR, DARK DARK BROWN EYES, MOST BEAUTIFUL SMILE EVER, NICE BUILD(SMALL PATITE), 14-15 (im 16), short, GREAT STUDENT, OBVIOUSLY DISLIKES SMOKERS. Here is the sit: I wore this 1 muscle type camo shirt 1 day and all the girls and teachers were commiting on how good it looks. I noticed here looking at me i was standing b4 the bell rang for class to start. I glanced over at here and she looked away really fast. Then as i looked away i could see outa the corner of my eye she was lookn again. Then it happened again. I usually wear polo shirts and nice trendy jeans faded not really baggy. She wears trendy stuff to ok ok we are both kinda the prepy tipe sorta. We both check our grades in class on the computers (place of opertunity?) I am a straight a student as i think she is. I have a lil acne not much. Anyways. lol after that day i saw here 1 day when we had a sub and both of us were setting there while the rest of the class was extremely roudy. I glanced over and she was looking at me . I sorta shuck my head in dissapprovement and smiled a lil (about the routy class). she sorta smiled a lil then slowly we both looked away. I saw here in the hall 2 dif times and she made eye contact there too. I think she has some general enterest she is so quite what could i do and or say to get here talking with me. what should i do to approach here. HELP!!! SHE IS MY DREAM GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think she is the most beautiful thing....... gosh im haven problems sad all the time when im not around here lol this sucks help!!!! PS the class has a thing almost every day where we sometimes partner up and do things on the pc here partner is usually this girll who is my age and acts rather interested in me she wouldnt stop staring at me then smiled then asked where i was from and started a conversation with me anyways i dont like outgoing girls much dont know why just dont. I like the quite type so HELP what should i do to approach here and or talk pss in this class there are these portarican girls who always flirting with me but they are slutty type sorry bout the word but true one slaped my butt and another was trying to pull my shirt up to see my abs in class!!! anyways i think they may be ruinen me rep with the girl i like help!!!!



She gave you the "movie" cliche, she'll fall for you speech. I'm going to be representing reality today. I ask that you fasten your seatbelt and prepare yourself.


A few things about me (you're pilot for today). I am in high school, bout your age, used to be just like you. Hell even slipped into one of these bouts beginning of the year (had to get that one under control). Now that you know a little about your pilot let's get down to it.


What the hell are you doing? In fact, what the hell are you talking about? This is your, "Dream Girl", do you even know her name? Even if you do, you have barely initiated a conversation with her, how do you know she is your dream girl? For all you know she could speak like a man, burp and fart all the time, do coke in the bathroom and annually have sex with every guy in the school. The point is, YOU DON'T KNOW. STOP IDEALIZING HER, before you get so afraid to be turned down that you never approach and spend a ton of time wondering what happened. Or if by some stroke of a miracle you DO happen to go out, she'll OWN the relationship, because you have already idealized her. stop. Now.



The solution: Approach her and be interesting, don't talk about mediocre stuff like the weather (its an insult to yourself when you do things like this. Shows you need approval from other people. Obviously they can see the damn weather if you can too unless they are blind or something) or what she ate for lunch. BE INTERESTING. Tell stories, ask loaded questions. "Do open relationships work for guys and girls?" "Who lies more men or women?" "Do men understand what women want and need?"


One I came up with that I haven't tried yet but I know is just a fun thing to do is take out a camera (camera phone, whatever), and go, "hey can I get a picture of us?" Then say something like, "Yea I wanna impress my mom" with a smile to show you're joking. And then tell her to make different faces and you do the same and just have FUN. The point is to have fun and ENJOY yourself, not be so anxious that you are going to die.


Finally, have some confidence in yourself, if other girls like you, obviously you're not a bad looking guy, go up to her and talk to her, assume she will like you. AND PLEASE, do not ever let anything like this EVER slip out of your mouth to a woman you are trying to start a relationship with: "So, am I you're type?" ANYTHING like this, EVER. EVER. EVER.


We're coming to a landing thanks for flying Air Hyakku, have a great day.

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O man 4 1 idont know who u were talkn to but im not gay!!!!!! 42 Thank you mam, 43 SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND GOSH GOSH GOSH NOW WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! I saw them she seems to like him ok too they didnt kiss or nothin just saw em sorta awkwardly hug at the end of the day also she isnt what u said dude she is as i described NICE UPPER CLASS TYPE GOOD VALUES NOT SLUTTY NOT A GUY!! And the next time u dis her like that u can forget about me ever even aknowledging u even replied cause i dont harp on urs lol sorry he he im just so pissed she has a boyfriend gosh should i be friends with her and hope 1 day theyl break up or she will break up with him 4 me sadly though he is blonde sorta and taller lil thinner(not as buff :D) and he acts sorta insucure from what i can tellll i wish she didnt but im not gona let it discourage me I THINK ill act like i dont really know how the grades thing works online and ask her if she could help me wit em some day even though i do :D well that aught to get her talkn i hope she is so pretty. I have not many friends here so i feel realy bad all the time no friends no girlfriend no nothin i could easily get a girlfriend but not 1 im happy with I WISH I COULD KNOW HERE BETTER also she sates at this table where i was sorta setting and the table was so full that 1 day since i dont have a lunch card there were no seats left and i looked up at her and asked if she sat there and she just kinda smiled and shuck here head ya and then i said really nice and politly she could sat im me place cause i dont even have a lunch card so she sorta acted like it was ok but i got up b4 she could say no. SHE IS SO OMG SDFJOWUR(@#*&$(@*#$ @IJ: I IM GONA HAVE A BREAKE DOWN LOL :D:bunny:

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The following message was sent to you by footballfata while viewing

your Member Profile:


*This is so cute!!!!!! and it's all true! All those things that they

say girls love guys for is true!!! (hint) (hint)

*This is really cute guys! especially the end

*This chain letter is real we followed the

instructions and we are going out with our crushes!!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~


Sorry, but this chain letter is for real, I got it the first

time, and I ignored it and a week later and the love of my life for

6-months dumped me for no good reason so beware, and just send

the stupid letter!!!!!!





The Lovers of the Heart




In order to form a more perfect kiss, enable the mighty hug to


to whom we please but one kiss.


Article 1 : Statement of Love: The Kiss

1. Kiss on the hand.... I adore you

2. Kiss on the cheek... I just want to be friends

3. Kiss on the neck... I want you

4. Kiss on the lips... I love you

5. Kiss on the ears... I am just playing (i hate that)

6. Kiss anywhere else ... lets not get carried away

7. Look in your eyes ... kiss me

8. Playing with your hair... I can't live without you

9. Hand on your waist... I love you to much to let you go


Article 2: The Three Steps

1. Girls: If any guys gets fresh with you, slap him

2. Guys: If any girl slaps you, her intentions are still good

! ;! ; ! ! 3. Guy and Girls: Close your eyes when kissing, it is

rude to stare


Article 3: The Commandments

1. Thou shall not squeeze to hard.

2. Thou shall not ask for a kiss, just give one or take one.

3. Thou shall kiss at every opportunity.






A peach is a peach

A plum is a plum,

A kiss isn't a kiss without some tongue

so open up your mouth,

close your eyes,

and give your tongue some exercise!!!






WELL here's a few reasons why guys like girls...

1. They will always smell good even if its just shampoo

2. The way their heads always find the right spot on our


3. How cute they look when they sleep

4. the ease in which they fit into our arms

5. the way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right

in the world

6. How cute they are when they eat

7. The way they take hours to get dressed but in the end makes

it all worth while

8. because they are always warm even when its minus 30 out side

9. the way they look good no matter what they wear

10. the way they fish for compliments even though you both know

that you think she's the most beautiful thing on this earth

11. How cute they are when they argue

12. the way her hand always finds yours

13. the way they smile

14. the way you feel when you see their name on the call ID

after you just had a big fight

15. The way she says "lets not fight anymore" even though you

know that an hour later you will be arguing about something

16. the way they kiss when you do something nice for them

17. The way they kiss you when you say "I love you'

18. Actually ... ! ! ju! ! st the way they kiss you...

19. the way they fall into your arms when they cry

20. then the way they apologize for crying over something that


21. The way they hit you and expect it to hurt

22. Then the way they apologize when it does hurt . (even though

we don't admit it)!

23. the way they say "I miss you"

24. the way you miss them

25. the way their tears make you want to change the world so

that it doesn't hurt her anymore.....Yet regardless if you love them, hate

them, wish they would die or know that you would die

without them ... it matters not. Because once in your life, whatever

they were to the world they become everything to you. When you look

them in the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and

you say a million things without trace of a sound,you know that your

own life is inevitable consumed within the rhythmic beatings of her very

heart. We love them for a million reasons, No paper

would do it justice. It is a thing not of the mind but of theheart.


This is a love chain letter. In 5 days you are supposed to send

it to

25 people.It is easy, just look into chat rooms and find them. Anyway,


it to 25 people in 5 days. Now here comes the fun part. You then say

the name

of the person you like or love and then the person will say "I love

you," or

"Will you go out with me?" NO JOKE!!!!!


! N! ow! ! the consequences:

The consequences are: If you break the chain letter, you will have bad

luck in future relationships. If you don't break the chain, then you

will be a happy camper!!!


Congratulations! You have been chosen to participate in the

LONGEST and the LUCKIEST chain letter on theInternet! Once read, this

letter must IMMEDIATELY (meaning within the hour) be sent to

10 people. After you send it,make a wish and it will come true in the

amount of time of days, as the time.

For example, if you sent it @ 8:00, your wish will come true in eight




























Here's the catch .....if you email it to ::::

0 people -- nothing too bad will happen?

1-11 people -- you will get a happy surprise!

12-21 people -- someone that likes you will come out and tell


22-31 people -- someone that likes you will ask you out








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O man 4 1 idont know who u were talkn to but im not gay!!!!!! 42 Thank you mam, 43 SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND GOSH GOSH GOSH NOW WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! I saw them she seems to like him ok too they didnt kiss or nothin just saw em sorta awkwardly hug at the end of the day also she isnt what u said dude she is as i described NICE UPPER CLASS TYPE GOOD VALUES NOT SLUTTY NOT A GUY!! And the next time u dis her like that u can forget about me ever even aknowledging u even replied cause i dont harp on urs lol sorry he he im just so pissed she has a boyfriend gosh should i be friends with her and hope 1 day theyl break up or she will break up with him 4 me sadly though he is blonde sorta and taller lil thinner(not as buff :D) and he acts sorta insucure from what i can tellll i wish she didnt but im not gona let it discourage me I THINK ill act like i dont really know how the grades thing works online and ask her if she could help me wit em some day even though i do :D well that aught to get her talkn i hope she is so pretty. I have not many friends here so i feel realy bad all the time no friends no girlfriend no nothin i could easily get a girlfriend but not 1 im happy with I WISH I COULD KNOW HERE BETTER also she sates at this table where i was sorta setting and the table was so full that 1 day since i dont have a lunch card there were no seats left and i looked up at her and asked if she sat there and she just kinda smiled and shuck here head ya and then i said really nice and politly she could sat im me place cause i dont even have a lunch card so she sorta acted like it was ok but i got up b4 she could say no. SHE IS SO OMG SDFJOWUR(@#*&$(@*#$ @IJ: I IM GONA HAVE A BREAKE DOWN LOL :D:bunny:


Ok fine I'll tell you all the wrong advice and get you friend zoned.


Be nice to her, talk about her problems in life, talk about normal crap, be there whenever she needs to cry about her boyfriend, basically just be her emotional tampon. Oh yea and always give her money when she needs it and offer all the help you ever can. And call her every day to make sure she's doing OK.


Like I said thats the bad advice, though you probably think its great.


My point is this: How the hell do you know HOW she acts out of school? I dont care if you don't acknowledged that I gave you help, what you really sound like is a manipulator that is too afraid to get his feelings hurt. Don't lash out at me for giving you good advice, how the hell do you even know thats her boyfriend? Lemme guess one of her friends told you or something like that? You won't know until she asks, alot of times guys THINK they are going out with girls when the girls only look at them as a friend.


Now if you really want to know what the hell you should do. DONT BE HER FRIEND WHILE HOPING SHE BREAKS UP WITH HIM, AND NEVER SUGGEST IT TO HER IN THE FAINTEST WAY. FRIENDS DO NOT GET LAID. Listen just learn how to be an interesting/attractive guy and talk to her as if she was just another girl out there you were interested in. BECAUSE THATS ALL SHE IS, another woman, stop idealizing her, or you're gonna be getting worst. TRUST me, if been down the path, for your own sake stop idealizing her and look at her like a regular woman who has flaws just like every other woman out there.

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Citizen Erased

Do not under any circumstances aim to be her friend in the hope that she will dump her current boyfriend. As soon as you begin a relationship uinder this pretense you pretty much lose the romance angle of things, not always but alot of the time yes.


Just be nice, talk to her but dont be best buds with her or anything. Show some interest but not too much interest. By the sounds of it she thinks you're cute or whatever but she has a boyfriend and you really shouldnt wait in the wings for some other guy to get his heart broken. Just be the person you are and in time it may work. Just be patient

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ok ok we are both kinda the prepy tipe sorta. We both check our grades in class on the computers (place of opertunity?) I am a straight a student as i think she is. I have a lil acne not much.


ROFLMAO I'm not sure if anyone else is cracking up at this description like I am? Dude... LMAO! Something about it struck me as hilariously retarded, for some odd reason... Ahh, high school, a place to shrivel up and die if there ever was one.

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