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I am so desperate for some guidance...


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I know that it's stupid because I'm a teenager, and I'm "supposed" to want to drink.. but I come from a childhood where my parents got so drunk they beat each other up and so on...

And I have this fabulous boyfriend, but.. he likes to drink with his friends.. and that makes me so uncomfortable and nervous. I HAVE to learn to be ok with it, but I don't know how... please help!!!

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"I HAVE to learn to bo ok with it."



No you don't HAVE to learn to be ok with it. You came from a family where they drank alot and were abusive to one another, so its natural you don't care for your b/f drinking. Depending on how much he drinks, have you talked with him about how it makes you feel?


"Im supossed to want to drink."



Where did you come up with that? Just becasue you're a teenager doesn't mean you're "SUPOSSED" to want to drink.







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If you had parents who drank alot the chances are you yourself may be suspeptible to alchohol abuse as these things tend to run in families. I'd be careful because booze may even effect you differently from others. You may get drunker faster than your friends. Just sip on a beer and amuse yourself by watching everyone else make idiots of themselves. Don't ever allow yourself to feel forced to drink too much.

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Ok, I can relate in a certain way to your situation MissMegsy.


Alcohol affects different people in different ways.


Your parents had an alcohol related problem, many do and its painful for all involved. Does your new bf know about this?


What is it you want to do? To learn to be around alcohol without nerves?


I hope you realise that not drinking is perfectly acceptable. Don't ever give in to peer pressure. It is NOT necessary to drink to fit in, orange juice is a good alternative.

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I'm at University and hang out with a group of friends who all drink. I go out sometimes 4 times a week. I choose to not drink and have just as much fun and they never hassle me about it.


I don't feel any need to drink. J20 and Coke all the way for me :cool:

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