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This is harder than I thought !


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Me and my boyfriend have broken a three yr on again off agian relationship and I miss him so much. Every guy I can possibly date or is interested in me , Does nothing for me.


It has been two months since we last spoke. And I look at old pictures and things he got for me and it tears me up. I still love this guy very much. The thought of him not even thinking about me or missing me also hurts me. How can he get over something so fast when it looked to me like he actually cared. Three years of my life were given to him and I would have given him many more had he realized what he had. I just did not think it would be so hard on me this time around . And judging on his actions our time together, I would have thought I made him very happy. He seemed to act like I meant a lot to him and then out of noplace he breaks it off agian because of change in location. Our last few breaks were bad but this is really depressing me. Any advice or anybody who has thier opinions please help...

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Be kind and patient with yourself. These feelings will pass with time.


It seems very clear after breaking up so many times that this is not a keeper. There is no good reason to care deeply for a man who would continually puts you through this sort of emotional chaos.


When you get over the shock and come to your senses, you will be pretty pissed at this guy and angry at yourself for spending all this time hurting over the butthole.

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