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I am a 30 year old divorcee with two children. I have been in a relationship with a man 10 years older than me (also divorced with a child) since my separation in 1995. I trusted him with all my heart until a woman called his house one Saturday night when I was there to ask him to go house hunting with her!! It turns out that she had just moved back to town and had contacted him at work. They had evidently been talking for a while without me knowing. Last November I found an e-mail he had sent to yet another woman talking about running away with her (the re: of the e-mail was "sexy voice" because she had recently left him a voice mail). My most recent discovery is by far my most disturbing....I found two e-mails sent in response to internet personal ads for THREESOMES!!!! I am very upset about this but don't know what to do. If I confront him he will know that I was "snooping" but I have to know whether he went through with his liason and whether he is bisexual (he mentioned in the e-mails that he would do whatever either partner wanted!!). I love this man sooo much and am so scared right now I don't know what to do. Please help me! I need good advice quick!

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It sounds to me like this man has some serious disfunctions. I understand that you feel that you love him, but his behavior is really extremely abnormal and he needs to seek some psychological counseling. Unfortunately, as with all psychological problems, counseling will not help him until he recognizes that there is something wrong. He is not treating you well. Think about that and really analyze the nature of your relationship before you continue to simply endure this treatment. I can't force you to really sit down and go through your feelings about him an about your interactions, since it's all upu to you. If it were me, I would have dumped him almost immediately after I begin finding out these things.




I am a 30 year old divorcee with two children. I have been in a relationship with a man 10 years older than me (also divorced with a child) since my separation in 1995. I trusted him with all my heart until a woman called his house one Saturday night when I was there to ask him to go house hunting with her!! It turns out that she had just moved back to town and had contacted him at work. They had evidently been talking for a while without me knowing. Last November I found an e-mail he had sent to yet another woman talking about running away with her (the re: of the e-mail was "sexy voice" because she had recently left him a voice mail). My most recent discovery is by far my most disturbing....I found two e-mails sent in response to internet personal ads for THREESOMES!!!! I am very upset about this but don't know what to do. If I confront him he will know that I was "snooping" but I have to know whether he went through with his liason and whether he is bisexual (he mentioned in the e-mails that he would do whatever either partner wanted!!). I love this man sooo much and am so scared right now I don't know what to do. Please help me! I need good advice quick!
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