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What's With Her????

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A while ago a "friend" of mine got jealous of another female friend and wigged out.


I have not spoken to her for a little over two months now. I am totally cool with it, as in the past when she'd freak out I'd "fix" it, but I got sick of it. She would often say, "We can't hang out" and I'd make it ok, but this last time I took her at ther word, and cut her off totally. She hasn't tried to contact me, and I haven't called her.


So, Friday she calls me at around 6:00pm. I don't answer, and she leaves a voice mail. She says, among other things, that she was calling to "make sure that you are doing OK." What the !*(%#&(&????


In the background I heard a friend of her's say, "Are we going out dancing" when she was leaving her message. I know it sounds weird, but knowing her and how manipulative she is, it strikes me as a designed play. It is a little ploy to make me jealous.


Why would a woman with no romantic interest in me (supposedly) call me after so long? Her choice of words bugs me, too. I am not emotionally fragile in the least bit--which is further evidence that when we were closer she never listened to me.


Anyone have any idea what might be going through her head? WHy do women do this with men they are "just friends" with?

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I think you did absolutely the right thing by starting the NC with her.


I don't know her or her past behaviors, but to me calling up and saying "make sure you are doing ok" is like saying "how are things?" So I really can't say whether she is being manipulative or not.


It could possibly be that she now realizes how idiotic her jealousy was and she wants to move past it without actually coming out and apologizing. I think that if you do want to continue a friendship with her then you need to have a talk explaining that if she acts like that again then that is the end of it.


I think it is entirely possible for people to have jealousy issues with someone they are not romantically involved with. This just means that they have that type of personality and need to grow up. So maybe it isn't even worthwhile to talk to this chick.

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haha... your post mirrors my situation Moai :)


i asked out a girl and she said she likes me only as a friend. but then she wants to have lunch with me every single day, if i say that i may have to go back to my country she will say "you are breaking my heart", she wants me to get a job in the same city so that she may continue to hang out with me... blah, blah, blah....


i seriously don't understand why they do it but the point is they just do it! we just got to learn not to read it as signs of interest and keep a safe distance.

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i seriously don't understand why they do it but the point is they just do it! we just got to learn not to read it as signs of interest and keep a safe distance.


Easier said than done.

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