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Well I met that one girl over match.com and I kept you updated. I don't know, just wasn't what I thought it would be. I mean we e-mail each other but for some reason it's not like it use to be. I helped her move into her dorm about a week ago and that was that.


She's a very nice girl, but I don't think she understands that when I posted on match.com that I am wanting to meet someoen that I can eventually fall in love with and I don't say anything about it to her. I don't know, I think the whole thing is a waste of my time.


She's busy with college and work, I'm busy with my job and everything. :(


Why can't I just find someone and fall in love. I hate life dammit.

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So you meet one girl and you think it's a waste of time. You help her move into her dorm and she doesn't understand you want a life committment. You are really going to have to change some of your ideas and attitudes.


Have you ever heard of courting? If you like this girl, ask her out again. Do things together over a period of time. She can make some time on weekends...and you shouldn't have to work constantly. If things go well, she could decide you are the ONE for her in some months ahead...you could also decide she is NOT the one for you in the months ahead.


Love is a numbers game. See other people too. Don't demand a forever relationship out of every girl you meet, take to dinner or help move. It just doesn't happen that way.


If you're looking for instant love, go to the zoo. Lots of instant love there, inside the cages.

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don't be so hasty. Don't "hate life damnit". I think falling in love takes time don't you? If you have feelings for the girl then I think it's still worth pursuing. If not then it is better not to waste your time or hers. Has she called you since?


Maybe she feels the same way you do so you never know until you talk. I'm not sure I understood part of your post very well, you say she's aware that you want to meet someone and fall in love with them? I would think she is because most of the people on Match.com are so don't underestimate her in this. What if it just takes some people a little bit longer than others to make that connection?


I don't think you've given it enough time, falling in love with someone is attraction yes but also the whole scary process of getting to know them, it's all part of falling in love. In the mean time, why not keep looking? There's gotta be some kind of night life out where you are that you can hang out with some friends maybe and meet some new people?


I dunno but I think it's worth looking into. It's also like I said, when you least expect it you find love sometimes.


Don't give up, keep on looking and I think you will find someone.



Well I met that one girl over match.com and I kept you updated. I don't know, just wasn't what I thought it would be. I mean we e-mail each other but for some reason it's not like it use to be. I helped her move into her dorm about a week ago and that was that. She's a very nice girl, but I don't think she understands that when I posted on match.com that I am wanting to meet someoen that I can eventually fall in love with and I don't say anything about it to her. I don't know, I think the whole thing is a waste of my time. She's busy with college and work, I'm busy with my job and everything. :( Why can't I just find someone and fall in love. I hate life dammit.
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