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I guess after all, I cheated.....

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Groovy, you know its wrong, and you also know that if you truly loved/cared for someone and wanted to be with them you wouldnt have done it.


That said, I agree with you about not telling him but I have another reason that I view more important. I think since he has such sexual issues, and has been obviously concerned about it (hence the drinking perhaps...or maybe the drinking caused it, not letting you touch him, not letting you try to satisfy him, no intercourse, etc).


I dont think someone with sexual problems should be informed that someone cheated on them. I just think it will do a LOT of damage to him, knowing that you turned to another man 6 weeks into a relationship, because he couldnt really satisfy you....thats just what I think

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Thank you both. I agree I should not date him anymore. But this whole issue of needing to tell him without people knowing circumstance is a little off. Anyway though thanks for the forum because I got my head cleared and know what I need to do.:)

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Take note fellas... this is why you don't give oral. Make up for it with other sexual skills...


Why did you have him come over? Why not just play it like you were asleep? Why not tell him you're tired? A guy you've known for 6 weeks has a key to your place? I guess you've been over the whole excuses thing... but seriously... why did you even put yourself in that situation right then? I realize it wasn't a serious relationship... and that's fine, but you still set up the obvious situation where he would go down on you.

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Take note fellas... this is why you don't give oral. Make up for it with other sexual skills...


Don't listen to this cretin. There IS no making up for oral. And not all of us banged some dude two hours before.

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So if he'd tried to please her in some other way, this situation wouldn't suck for him? The take away lesson from this story is that giving oral causes trouble? Let's don't be silly.


Besides, there's no better skill to master.

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Btw, Groovy, I think so long as you're planning to break up with this guy, it's okay not to tell him. I very strongly feel that if you love someone, it's always best to tell them everything. But that's because trust is so important to a relationship, and you can't have trust without honesty. However, given that you aren't exactly trying to protect this relationship, and I totally agree that telling a man with a sexual dysfunction that you cheated on him will do all kinds of damage to his ego, it's best to end it and not tell him about this.

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Take note fellas... this is why you don't give oral. Make up for it with other sexual skills...


Why did you have him come over? Why not just play it like you were asleep? Why not tell him you're tired? A guy you've known for 6 weeks has a key to your place? I guess you've been over the whole excuses thing... but seriously... why did you even put yourself in that situation right then? I realize it wasn't a serious relationship... and that's fine, but you still set up the obvious situation where he would go down on you.


OK, he does not have a key to my place- I am not that confused. When he showed up I was fully clothed hanging out so "I am too tired or I am asleep" wouldn't work. I answered the door because my brother's lease expired at his place and I thought it was him. He was either staying with me or my parents. I thought it was strange to get contacted so late but I opened the door just in case. Additionally thinking logical at an odd moment in your life doesn't come easy.

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