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Is there a chance?


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Hello everyone, I hope you can help me. This might seem a little sappy, but here goes.

I have known this girl for a long time. About ten years. We used to attend the same college. We spent a lot of time together near the end I was helping her to get through her last year.


We used to go for drinks and the like. We have stayed in contact. Even now when I ask her to go somewhere with me she says yes. I have not seen her for a little while. A few months. All the time I have known her she has not been in a relationship, she says she now has a boyfriend. I saw some posts on here about not being introduced to your girlfriend/boyfriends friends. I thought I was her friend, i made a pas at her a few years ago,but she turned me down. I am still interested, still hoping. She told me she was seeing someone a while ago. But she still meets me and he isnt there, just the two of us.


We like the same things, music and things, I have had a few problems in life, she knows about them. Is she just feeling sorry for me? Or do i still have a chance, what do I do, keep in touch or tell her again that i like her that way? We exchanged txt messages over christmas and new year, although I aksed if she would like to meet up, we didn't. She doesn't usually ignore my messages. Is she gone?

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Is she gone?


Was she ever really there in the first place?


Obviously this girl knows how you feel about her. And it's equally obvious, to me at least, that she doesn't feel the same way. She probably hasn't introduced you to her b/friend to spare your feelings and/or to keep you interested enough to keep hanging around. Having someone around whom you know is smitten with you is a very powerful ego boost & can become quite addictive.


...do i still have a chance, what do I do, keep in touch or tell her again that i like her that way?


You do not still have a chance. You are an open book to her, no challenge, no mystery. She has had plenty of time & opportunity to step up to the plate & she hasn't done so. I think it highly unlikely that she ever will and paradoxically the more willing & patient you are the more it is even less likely.

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Thank you bluechocolate.


Im not really hanging around, i just ask to see her sometimes, and she always says yes. But thank you for your view. I dont know if she was ever there in the first pace.

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Take it from a woman... You never had her in the first place. Second of all if you care about her and she's in a relationship let it be and let her be happy. If she had any interest in you she would of bitten the bait after you made it clear you were interested in her that way. If you've known her for ten years or are close friends she probably comes to see you because she does care and appreciate you that doesn't mean she cares in a way that's more than platonic. You can sit around waiting for someone who doesn't want to dance with you..but why do you want to dance with someone like that for anyway? Some girl out there probably thinks about you every day, someone probably wishes you'd ask her out. Their are other fish in the sea aside from the ones who are already someone elses catch.It may be sappy but it's also a pointless quest and a road to MORE heartbreak to continue to invest thought into the possibility of a relationship here. If it's too much to be in her life- than say goodbye she has a man and you two had a good run If she cares for you she'll understand.

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