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I am currently in a relationship, but the relationship brings more sadness than joy. The only reason I am staying in this realtionship is the fear that i will be alone and will not find anyone. I know it is not nice, but let's face it, how easy it is to find a mate these days. I am not talking about finding someone of the opposite gender, I am talking about find someone of the opposite sex who is fairly decent g/f or b/f material... Well, from my own experiences, it is very difficult. I am sort of pessimistic about this whole thing. I have had 4 differenr girl-friends, and it seems there is no match for me. It seems I always put much more in a relationship and get less from my partner. I am kind of getting used to it, but I don't want to. I don't want to live with the idea that we just have to settle for something less than we deserve. But what if what I think I deserve does not exist? What if I am being unrealistic?


All I am asking is a lady who is fairly good looking, is faithful and truthful to me, and who is not a user....


DO you think it exists??? and how often does one come across this type?

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There is a right person for everybody but you have to be patient. It may take you a few more years to find her or she may be right around the corner.


Staying in a relationship that brings you more sadness than joy is insane. You are better off by yourself or with a dog.


Your situation is not unique. A lot of people are looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right and have been looking for a good while.


Usually, the right person comes along when you stop looking or you aren't really giving it much thought.


Once you are very happy with yourself and are comfortable being alone and enjoying your own company, the right person will present themselves...guaranteed.

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All I am asking is a lady who is fairly good looking, is faithful and truthful to me, and who is not a user....DO you think it exists??? and how often does one come across this type?


bloody oath it exists!!!


but you won't find it until you get yourself out of this negative, unhappy situation you are in. you will never find a decent girl while you are "taken" (in an unhappy relationship at that).


if you find yourself in a relationship where your partner is taking more than they give, then you should give them one more thing....directions to the door. people will continue to take as long as you give, because you let them. in the vast majority of these cases, they don't have any respect for people who give so much while getting nothing in return.


stand up for yourself, and face the reality that you will get what you deserve once you are able to put yourself in a situation where you are not settling for second best.

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George, "Alone" is a state of mind, not a state of being. You'll never find happiness outside of yourself unless you first figure out how to find it within. Take some "alone" time; not to sulk, but to find "George." Rebounding from one relationship to another, or staying in an unhappy one because of desperation will only lead to more despair.

I am currently in a relationship, but the relationship brings more sadness than joy. The only reason I am staying in this realtionship is the fear that i will be alone and will not find anyone. I know it is not nice, but let's face it, how easy it is to find a mate these days. I am not talking about finding someone of the opposite gender, I am talking about find someone of the opposite sex who is fairly decent g/f or b/f material... Well, from my own experiences, it is very difficult. I am sort of pessimistic about this whole thing. I have had 4 differenr girl-friends, and it seems there is no match for me. It seems I always put much more in a relationship and get less from my partner. I am kind of getting used to it, but I don't want to. I don't want to live with the idea that we just have to settle for something less than we deserve. But what if what I think I deserve does not exist? What if I am being unrealistic? All I am asking is a lady who is fairly good looking, is faithful and truthful to me, and who is not a user.... DO you think it exists??? and how often does one come across this type?
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It may seem difficult or even hopeless at times, you will find someone. Sometimes it takes a little while for the paths to cross. I had boyfriends and dated - not alot. There really wasn't anyone with whom I wanted to share my time. I had friends and other interests. I seemed to be asking the same questions that you are asking in your post. It didn't make sense to me to enter a relationship or stay in a relationship if I wasn't happy or if there were problems. Obviously, no relationship is going to be without it's questionable times and problems - I'm talking serious matters. If you are unhappy in your current relationship, you really need to end it and start making yourself available for the right person. You need to be ready, she might come when you least expect her! Even if it does take awhile, you will be happy that you ended something that wasn't going anywhere. If you are unhappy, then you really can't be all that you are with this current girl. I am currently in a relationship, but the relationship brings more sadness than joy. The only reason I am staying in this realtionship is the fear that i will be alone and will not find anyone. I know it is not nice, but let's face it, how easy it is to find a mate these days. I am not talking about finding someone of the opposite gender, I am talking about find someone of the opposite sex who is fairly decent g/f or b/f material... Well, from my own experiences, it is very difficult. I am sort of pessimistic about this whole thing. I have had 4 differenr girl-friends, and it seems there is no match for me. It seems I always put much more in a relationship and get less from my partner. I am kind of getting used to it, but I don't want to. I don't want to live with the idea that we just have to settle for something less than we deserve. But what if what I think I deserve does not exist? What if I am being unrealistic? All I am asking is a lady who is fairly good looking, is faithful and truthful to me, and who is not a user.... DO you think it exists??? and how often does one come across this type?
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