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update on where I stand in a relationship

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Got this email from her lastnight. I feel optomistic as to what she said and I am willing to continue, after all 3 months is not a very longtime to get to know someone. She wants to have a good friendship first and build upon that and I think we are developing that at the moment.


yep, i got it! don't worry it didn't upset me that you said anything, its


just that I am not good with emotions with the opposite sex, everyone else i


have plenty!


I just feel bad that I am not sure about us yet, I don't know if that is a


bad thing or not...the only thing I keep telling myself is that with more


time maybe I will figure it out. ITs just sometimes i feel like we are too


oposite and too much alike to work, it sounds horrible, I do enjoy being with


you its just this feeling that somethings missing or not write... that is on


my mind... And i felt like if I was honest with you, (which I was) that it


would make you upset..and I don't want that..but i can't lie either! I knew


that this was going to come soon, and i didn't know what to say! I just


don't know if you want to stick around with me feeling this way. Which i


don't know if I would if I heard that. but i have to be honest.. I don't


know what to do, I don't know what the answer is....If you want to give it


more time, that is good, but I can't make any promises at this point... You


are a wonderful person, and I do enjoy spending time with you! that is all I


can say for now (and we get along in bed also!) So i will leave it up to




I hope I didnt ruin your night!

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You can't ask for much more than honesty from someone. In that respect, she's a keeper. Whether anything further develops from this relationship remains to be seen. If you want things to move to the next level, you are going to have to go with the flow and see what happens. It doesn't sound like a bad situation to be in.


You will be at a slight disadvantage if you have developed feelings for her that she does not have for you. If you want to keep seeing her, the best thing you can do for now is try to keep your feelings in check and take to heart what she said about her not being able to make any promises. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a situation where you will feel the need to give her an ultimatum. I think it is too early for that right now.


If you are "looking for love", it's not there yet with this girl. In not so many words, she is giving you the liberty to look elsewhere. Give her a great deal of respect and consideration, but don't let yourself be used for "a good time", unless that is all you are looking for. If things don't change, at some point, probably sooner than later, you will either loose interest in her or become interested in someone else.

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