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2 girls 1 big problem

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ok there is this girl at school that i realy realy realy like, and she knows i like her. i asked her out about 2 months ago and she said "i would but my parents say i cant go out with any1 until i am 16" so sence i couldent go out with her and i have never had a GF i asked this girl out that i new realy liked me (witch i found out was a bad idea) and now a month after going out with her i kinda feal like breaking up with her, and to help just today i got a note from the girl i realy like and she says that she realy likes me 2 an dshe wil go out with me if i ask her out and she says that we could just keep it secrit from her parents (and she knows that i am going out with this other girl) so now i want to break up with the girl i am going out with (because i love this other girl more than life itself)


and i know if i beak up with this girl it would break her heart


so how do i go about breaking up with her without breaking her heart

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There is absolutely no way you can possibly break up with someone without breaking their heart, I am sorry to say. Just be gentle as you can, but the longer you put it off the worse it will be in the end.

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You can't. Just be honest to the current GF and apologise for being a jerk.


Exaplin that you can't help the way you feel and am sorry for all the hurt you have caused her. good luck.

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I do agree with you there, dont do it on Valentines day or anything, but dont keep making excuses and putting it off because it will just get worse.

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Well you can't stay with someone just 'cuz it'll hurt them if you leave. Just be honest and try not to rub it into the ex-girls face when you are around her.

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