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Evolution and snoring

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After several hundred thousands of years of evolution, you'd think that snoring would have been eliminated by now. All the snores would have alerted the nearby Sabre Tooth Tigers, Grizzy bears and other assorted predators, who would have promptly eaten the snorer. His fellow cavement would probably have been driven nuts and kicked him outta the cave, thus not giving him much chance of passing on his snoring genes. So, after the several hundreds of thousands of years, you'd think they'd have gone,eh? Whatcha guys think?

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Evolution makes some things better, other things worse.


Obstructive sleep apnea, a chief cause of snoring, is caused by soft tissue blockage in the throat often from being overweight. Thousands of years ago, humans didn't have sodas, Hershey bars, huge fatty meals, computers to sit in front of, etc. and they kept their weight in check. Snoring then was an abnormality usually due to a birth defect.


The majority of snoring and other sleep disorders these days are caused from people becoming abnormally fat, thus the tissue in the throat grows to a point where air flow during sleep is obstructed, causing snoring. It can eventually lead to death.


Use your search engine and look up snoring or sleep apnea. I'm sure you'll see how the evolutionary process to make humankind better has been thwarted in this regard.

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