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Obsession's controlled my life for 2 Year!!

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Im addicted to a girl whom really does no good for me. I let this control my life. We used to be together, broke up, recently met back up ... The whole time my life is consumed by this and it isnt getting better yet worse. Times like now I simply feel like dying. Can anybody help me. Please don't tell me Im depressed because thats obvious however I excersise, have tried every medication and still nothing. Im going downhill as my day to day life goes up. Whats going to save me. I always thought it would be her but thats foolish and I have no where else to go. Has anyone ever been involved in this level of obsession?

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the only person who can save you....is you. with some support.


back off and get some professional help. do you feel able to do that?

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Im addicted to a girl whom really does no good for me. I let this control my life. We used to be together, broke up, recently met back up ... The whole time my life is consumed by this and it isnt getting better yet worse. Times like now I simply feel like dying. Can anybody help me. Please don't tell me Im depressed because thats obvious however I excersise, have tried every medication and still nothing. Im going downhill as my day to day life goes up. Whats going to save me. I always thought it would be her but thats foolish and I have no where else to go. Has anyone ever been involved in this level of obsession?


I was in the position of the girl. His obsession with me has made life very difficult. Have you tried talk therapy?

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I've heard that it is man's natural tendency to obsess over the opposite sex. Perhaps it's hardwired into our brains to make us need females or otherwise why would we stay with them :p


Anyway, my suggestion is find some hobbies. Something to take your mind off of her - and if you don't like her - go no contact. I'm still unsure whether you want to be with this woman from your post. I've had times where I've obsessed over someone I knew wasn't going to ever take off. NC helped me a lot. Though now I can't even stand being in the same room with said people so haha, it kinda flipped me completely to the opposite of obsession.


Good luck mate.

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The last man I loved was in your posistion. I tried my best to comfort him and make him see that he deserved soooo much better than her. It was really difficult. I new he cared about me deeply. But his love and obsession with her surpassed everything.


My encouraging words meant nothing to him because he believed I was only looking out for my best interest. He left me. He got back with her for the trillionth time. I guess only time will tell if he will see the truth and get courage to forget about her. For now, all I can do is move on with my life. I don't want to become obsessed with him. But I do still love him.


Because of my feelings for him, and he's in your situation, my heart truly goes out to you. I actually thought NEW love would be enough to cure his obsession. But it wasn't. So I won't tell you to find someone new. It's important that you surround yourself with positive people and things. You need to rebuild your self-esteem.


You'll never be able to forget about her. Instead, you should try thinking about her differently. Make a list of all the things you love about her. Then make of all the things she does to make you sad. Compare that to the things you do to make her happy. I want you to see clearly how she is ruining your life.

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i've had this obsessivenes towards a girl i dated & we travelled, she was foreign & it was magical, i was complacent & scared then of being alone. Time helps, talking to a councelor, getting it out of your system. Maybe it's just love & wanting of that person, those times back, i know i still do, but the pain isn't bad. Love hurts.


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