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about ???/helpless/rosa/carrie/dogs and sex...and IP's


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I keep seeing these IP addresses in their posts:,, and


The following company is in charge of the 3 IP addresses above:


UUNET Technologies, Inc.


Netblock: -


Maintainer: UUDA


Coordinator: UUNET, Technical Support


[email protected] (800) 900-0241


The interesting thing is that both my best friend and another close friend work there. It would be pretty funny if I obtained the information and posted it here, huh? :)


I'm assuming that each computer has a separate IP address. But can this address can be used to find out exactly who/where this person is? I'm pretty sure that the ISP has this information, in order to take care of complaints and such, right?


Anyhow, I just found that interesting.


I wonder if the Loveshack Host would be able to delete these phony posts in the future, if we pointed them out to him/her?

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QUESTION ONE: "But can this address can be used to find out exactly who/where this person is?"


That's exactly how the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Britains MI-6 (Ministry of Intelligence) and InterPol (International Police) trace the computers of those who spread nasty viruses or send threatening Email. Wackos may be smart in some ways but pretty ignorant to not know they will be caught and arrested.


QUESTION TWO: "I'm pretty sure that the ISP has this information, in order to take care of complaints and such, right?"


That would be quite correct, sparkle. The next time you talk to your brother, I'm sure he can give you ample amplification of this area of cybergenetics for your delectation.


YOU ASK: "I wonder if the Loveshack Host would be able to delete these phony posts in the future, if we pointed them out to him/her?"


I'm quite sure that these posts could be deleted. They are getting to be quite annoying. Could it be that Latka Gravis has returned to life?


Thank you very much!

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