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Am I just taking things wrong?

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There's this guy I know....he's in his 30's and I'm in my 20's, so this isn't like immature stuff......but I'm not all that experienced with the make gender and how they show their attraction......


Anyway....this guy, when I see him, seems to dislike me by making fun when someone else is present, but when we are alone he jokes around with me and teases me....but he seems to still dislike me (I think anyway). But no matter if we are alone or with other people, when saying goodbye, he always either puts his hand on my head and carresses my hair or he put his hand on my back and rubs it or squeezes my shoulder. I honestly believe that he just doesn't want me to leave hating him as much as he seems to hate me because he seems the type to not like it when people don't like him or are upset with him.......but my friends keep saying they think he likes me. But I really don't think so....cause he really seems to dislike me. Again, my friends say that he acts that way cause he's afraid to show how he really feels or just doesn't know how to show his attraction. Who's right? Me or my friends? I just think that it's a little to childish and junior highish to be signs of attraction. Can you guys help me understand?



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Sounds as though he hides behind a masque, these signals are very mixed.


In what way does he make fun of you?


What does he say?

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Well I'm origianlly from Texas but live in NY now.....he pretty much makes fun of my accent....or where I'm from....saying things like I come from the land of Steers and Queers kind of thing. It's not just the fact that he makes fun that makes me feel he dislikes me.....it's the way he acts towards me. Like when he sees me and I'm with someone else he gives this exasperated look like "Oh God.....here we go", but when I'm alone he's all smiles and flirtatious. When I see him while with others, he seems like he can't wait to get rid of me, but when I see him alone, he doesn't seem that way. And you're right.....the signals ARE totally mixed....that's why I'm so confused and here on the forums to see if anyone can help me deceipher what is going on lol


Thanks for responding...I really appreciate it ;)

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That sounds like he is teasing, rather than making fun, my guess, from these slightly mixed and strange signals, is that he likes you but is not keen to show others, so over compensates when in company.


I hope that makes some sense, some people are just plain odd.

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Thanks for the reply.....helped me a little bit ;)


It's just that I take him touching my hair and playing with it, squeezing my shoulder or rubbing my back as something intimate....not something you do to a girl you don't know fully. We're like aquaintances......and I don't touch people like that if we are really good friends or more. Is he trying to tell me something with his actions when he does this kind of stuff? I mean, one time when I was sitting down, he even brushed his crotch against my leg and came very close to kissing me (or it seemed that way with the look in his eyes and how close he came to my face..his lips were less than a half inch from mine). Am I taking these signals wrong? Am I seeing what I want to see instead of what is really happening?


Thanks again for your responses ;)

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What you describe above is at the very least highly flirtatious.


Playing with someone's hair is a clear indication, and you letting him is also a clear indication.


Give him more signals if you wish, or just come out and ask him out....



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Are you attracted to him ?


Next time he says something rude say :" Hey whats your problem ? " In a sarcastic funny way.


If he grabs your hair~ grab his back.


Whatever he does ~mimic him back .


Ask him : " Hey does that feel good when I touch your hair honey " ?


I usually would not recommend my own advice but this guy wants to play.


Lets see what he does when you play back.

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