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what is up with him lately??


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there's this guy that i like, obviously. we are both in university. he and i just became friends two months ago. before new years, he invited me out with his buddies and we all went to a club. we spent the whole time there together, laughing, holding hands, lots of fun flirting. i left for new years, and when i came back we resumed the flirting and hanging out. lately, however, he's been distant. we dont hang out as much and there is always a tension between us whenever we do hang out. people have picked up on it. does he feel rejected because nothing happened with us or does he just not like me anymore? should i say anything to him about any of this?

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Of course, speak with him!


Good communication is only going to allow you clarity about what is going on.


Take what he says at face value, as men tend NOT to sugar coat things like women do...


If you ask him, then be willing to just listen to his response.... oh ya and watch his body language - that will tell you alot as well...

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