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Help a good guy...

Lost Jeffy

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I have been dating a great women for 7 months now, we were good friends for about 5 yrs and still are. I am totally in love w/ her and she says the same. I cannot stop thinking about her and how happy she makes me. We have some arguements tho, like any other couple. Latley she has been kinda blowing me off when I ask her to hang out after work. One incident has really hurt me. It was last Tues and I asked my honey to hang out after work, she says she wuld love to. She has some things she needs to do before so I say , should we hang out around 8:00, she says ya. So i wait till 9:45 to call her, she says , oh I think we should hang out another night, I am kinda ticked, b/c i waited patiently for her to call, and she didn't, I called her. She tells me that she didn't do anything that she was supposed to, she had just been at her house, but forgot to call. I need an item that I left at her house, so I ask her IF i could stop by and get it, I say leave it in the mailbox b/c she said she was going to be in bed. I pull up and her friend's cars are there, what a shock, and what a liar!! So then Thurdays rolls aron\und and I ask her if she would like to hang out, she says she has stuff to do, so I go out w/ my friends, the next day I asked her what she did, she says that she went out w/ one of her guy friends and didn't do anything that she was supposed to do, which is the reason why she didn't want to hang out w/ me.


What should I feel like, what shouLD I do??

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no offense, but this sounds to me like she's blowing you off . . . plain and simple. now, you've got every single right to ASK her what the deal is with all this, and i think that's exactly what i'd do. believe me, if that is what's happening, i sympathize . . . nothing like being left in the dark!


do me a favor though, if she doesn't want a relationship with you, be sure to tell her how much you DON'T appreciate her letting you know this way . . . she needs to know that this isn't the way to handle a situation like this.


BEST of luck!!

Anyone, I have been dating a great women for 7 months now, we were good friends for about 5 yrs and still are. I am totally in love w/ her and she says the same. I cannot stop thinking about her and how happy she makes me. We have some arguements tho, like any other couple. Latley she has been kinda blowing me off when I ask her to hang out after work. One incident has really hurt me. It was last Tues and I asked my honey to hang out after work, she says she wuld love to. She has some things she needs to do before so I say , should we hang out around 8:00, she says ya. So i wait till 9:45 to call her, she says , oh I think we should hang out another night, I am kinda ticked, b/c i waited patiently for her to call, and she didn't, I called her. She tells me that she didn't do anything that she was supposed to, she had just been at her house, but forgot to call. I need an item that I left at her house, so I ask her IF i could stop by and get it, I say leave it in the mailbox b/c she said she was going to be in bed. I pull up and her friend's cars are there, what a shock, and what a liar!! So then Thurdays rolls aron\und and I ask her if she would like to hang out, she says she has stuff to do, so I go out w/ my friends, the next day I asked her what she did, she says that she went out w/ one of her guy friends and didn't do anything that she was supposed to do, which is the reason why she didn't want to hang out w/ me. What should I feel like, what shouLD I do??
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