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Why do married men/men attached with steady gfs go after another girl?

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Hi I have came across some married men/men attached with steady girlfriends (some would try to hide the fact that they are in a committed relationships, some wouldn't) that show interests/going after another girl.


Are most men have the tendency to involve in infidelity? Some seem to be happy with their current partner but still going after another girl, why? Can anyone share your opinion? :bunny:

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Satisfaction! Some people get married thinking it'll get better, but when it doesn't they put on the front that they are happy, and do the whole I'm a great husband/wife, and end up straying; the same happens when you are in a steady relationship. If you aren't satisfied, it's easy to stray. That's the main reason, some other reasons may apply, but it's what it all boils down to. This isn't just common in men either, women cheat just as much; I actually think there was a rise on women cheating.

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I don't think that those are the only options -men being Aholes or dissatisfaction. I think that while it seems cliche' self-esteem really plays a vital role in relationships. It's nice to know that you've still "got it" and that other people find you attractive. Now, in no way does this justify having your significant other go after another girl, that's just ridiculous, But I can speak for myself in that I enjoy being flattered and when I get attention from men that arent' my boyfriend, it makes me feel good about myself. And at this point in my life, I'm not as confident as I'd like to be. My boyfriend can be wonderful, but he is very busy with his life and I take his busy lifestyle personally and in my head turn it around to him never wanting to spend time with me.


I think it's just insecurity. A lot of times we don't realize it but our criticisms and even opinions with our partners are taken as an insult and knowing that there is someone else out there that also thinks your attractive gives you a great ego stroke. Which, I think if it is left there at flirtation can get you through some tough or busy times. If it goes any further than that, it's a sign of immaturity and weakness. And it goes both ways.


Hope it helps, it's just my opinion!

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I don't think that those are the only options -men being Aholes or dissatisfaction. I think that while it seems cliche' self-esteem really plays a vital role in relationships. It's nice to know that you've still "got it" and that other people find you attractive. Now, in no way does this justify having your significant other go after another girl, that's just ridiculous, But I can speak for myself in that I enjoy being flattered and when I get attention from men that arent' my boyfriend, it makes me feel good about myself. And at this point in my life, I'm not as confident as I'd like to be. My boyfriend can be wonderful, but he is very busy with his life and I take his busy lifestyle personally and in my head turn it around to him never wanting to spend time with me.


I think it's just insecurity. A lot of times we don't realize it but our criticisms and even opinions with our partners are taken as an insult and knowing that there is someone else out there that also thinks your attractive gives you a great ego stroke. Which, I think if it is left there at flirtation can get you through some tough or busy times. If it goes any further than that, it's a sign of immaturity and weakness. And it goes both ways.


Hope it helps, it's just my opinion!


All in all you want to be satisfied, you want to fulfill something that isn't being filled. I strongly believe satisfaction plays a major role in why people cheat. Satisfaction is an underlying reason in most other problems, self-esteem, trust, etc.

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usually the spark is gone after a while. it is human nature to seek happiness, passion, spark, etc and when a man sees another woman that fulfills these needs, if the spark is gone from his relationship it is natural to puruse that. in fact staying faithful in this case is an unnatural reaction i believe.


of course there is an ethical question but i think that if we are just looking at human nature , cheating in this instance is natural.

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All in all you want to be satisfied, you want to fulfill something that isn't being filled. I strongly believe satisfaction plays a major role in why people cheat. Satisfaction is an underlying reason in most other problems, self-esteem, trust, etc.


I am just wondering-If there's so much dissatisfaction in a relationship that one has to start looking around, wouldn't it be better if we end it before start a new one in order to avoid more chaotic situation if we end up involving in an entangled relationship?


This's just my opinion. Any input, please?

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In some countries it is perfectly fine to have more than one wife or mate if your first is giving you most of what you need then a second or third might make it the finishing touches. If his wife knows about it (must do) then whats the problem

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