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I like her, but does she?

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Its my first year at a university and I met this girl who lives in my hall, and I have feelings for her. I've never really had a crush like this one before, she has looks and personality. For the first couple months I was hanging out with her group of friends, but I had different interests and a different personality than them, so I haven't been hanging out with them anymore. They are all very outgoing and enthusiastic, I'm more relaxed and quiet. Because I rarely ever see her anymore and she doesnt talk to me besides saying hi as we walk by, I feel like our friendship is dissapearing. I'm afraid that she doesn't want to be friends with me since she doesn't seem interesting in hanging out with me anymore. I feel like she thinks im a good guy but might not attracted to me. I miss her a lot and I want to at least be good friends with her. What should I do/tell her? She recently just broke up with her boyfriend, so maybe she had been acting reserved bc of that? Part of me thinks I should tell her how I feel, but then again I'm afraid she might get freaked out by it

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Well, you have to try to get her on the one-on-one. Ask her out on a date or (better yet) make it a study date. If she's in higher classes, tell her you having problems with a class and if she can find some time to help you. However you do it, you have to get her alone so you can tell her how you feel.

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