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What did I do right?

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I have a question... I feel kinda like an idiot asking this but here it goes. There's a girl I like at school, She knows I like her and everything. She used to have a crush on me, and as far as I know she still does a little, and she has a boyfriend already....


Anyways, on valentine's day I had a class with her. She gave her friends cards and stuff, she didn't give me anything before or during class, which didn't really bother me. But at the last minute she gave me some candy or whatever. I heard her tell her friends it was b/c I looked sad, (and I don't know what the hell she was talking about, as far as I was concerned I was in a really good mood).


So, I got a little embarassed b/c I wasn't able to give her anything. She told me it was ok, but it still bothered me a little that she got me something, even though it was at the last minute. So when I went to work later on that night I got her a bag of skittles, I think that that is her favorite candy I'm not sure though. I know a bag of skittles doesn't sound like much, but it was pretty big compared to what she gave me.


The next day, During lunch I went up to her and said I was sorry that I didn't get her anything on valentine's day, she said it was ok and not to worry about it. So I gave her the candy and she actually looked really happy, she was smiling really big and everything. I told her happy valentine's day (even though it was the day after) she said thanks then she gave me a hug. Which she never did before. I had her the next class and before class she came up to me and smiled really big and said thanks again.


Honestly, I never thought she would be so happy that I got her a bag of skittles.


So, Maybe it's because I'm immature..... or maybe b/c I'm a guy. But can anyone tell me why she was so happy? or do you think that she really likes skittles?;)



BTW- I know this sounds really immature and stupid.... I'm just wondering why she was so happy...

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