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Mr Right?

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I have liked a man for awhile. He is smart and handsome and very sensitive. Past dating experience checks out also at least on surface. Problem is he does thing that make me feel uncomfortable even though I am still considering whether to date him. He always likes to put his hands in my pockets. One time, I was wearing a bikini and he puts his hands under the back of my suit. He also liked to put suntan lotion on me but rubbed it on the front but we are not dating. Whenever I hint that I am uncomfortable, he says something funny and I forget it. I like him a lot but he touches me in a very disguting way that is too much. What do you think?

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If somebody does something that makes you feel uncomfortable, tell them immediately. You must set physical as well as emotional and topical boundaries for yourself.


You need to tell this man the things that make you feel uneasy and do not allow him to do them. Stop him when he starts but do it politely. If he continues, then be very firm.


If after telling him what makes you uncomfortable he continues the same behavior, you need to get away from him and see him no more. This would be an indication he had no respect for your feelings or wishes.

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