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Maybe its not my business but the woman has no idea who he really is

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Perfect example of demonstration of higher and lower value.


Yup. But established by the opposite of what you think - confidence had nothing to do with it, the label of expertise did.



Again though agreeing to disagree would be best as this is just getting rehashed and old.


Fair enough. In any case, methinks the next couple of years are gonna give you plenty of opportunities to deal with people who think your views are ridiculous :p

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Yup. But established by the opposite of what you think - confidence had nothing to do with it, the label of expertise did.





Fair enough. In any case, methinks the next couple of years are gonna give you plenty of opportunities to deal with people who think your views are ridiculous :p


In the first case, these are the people that would find my views ridiculous. Those who would say, "I perceive him to be inferior than me, therefore he can teach me nothing." The same on these boards that say my age makes me inferior to them, therefore I can teach them nothing. Though those with lower social value do generally receive less respect from myself (just talking about my personal experiences), I try to NEVER discredit them, without a reason. I may not like them, but I can ALWAYS learn from them. I may not approve of what hitler has done, but I will damn sure learn how to lead people whether they come from Hitler or Ghandi, but your point is well taken, and there are always exceptions to the rule, are they not?


In the second paragraph, in the next couple of years I will have plenty of opportunities to exclude people from my reality who I don't wish to interact with :laugh: .

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I would tell because I've been in a similar situation and I sort of knew things weren't right and if someone had just told me it would have hurt a lot but I would have got on with my life a lot quicker. I personally would be so grateful if someone told me what it took a long time to realize on my own.

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