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sex tour just for his buddy? or not??

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hi , just wanted some advice,

ive been dating my bf for about a year, he has had a history of meeting up with sex workers and the like and has cheated on e once withhis ex in which he ende up going to a sex club with her. I forgave him for it, i thought our relashionship became became stronger because of it, he promised never to do anything unless he tells me he is in need of something. I am pretty openminded in that sense.


Recently he was away with one of his friends for a week on which i could not attend, however during this time i accidentally found a sex forum that

he frequwents regualry asking about brothels and where to get good rates, he was planning on flying over to venezuela and had a hotel booked from the looks of it on the forum

he says he was searching for his friend because he has all the contacts

question, I am being too accomadating in beleiving this ? do I forgive him, he had a hotel booked and everything and didnt tell me,

i DO NOT want to be the woman who things have to be kept from, im not that type of women


Am i justified in ditching him? im not sure what to do, love has definately clouded my judgement and im not sure how to react.

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I am sorry to say, but I think it is very unlikely that he was searching for information for a friend :(

I have been in the same situation. My ex liked to visit sex workers...

he always had some excuse though "I circled the adds in the paper for a friend" it wasn't until I saw his credit card bill that I realised :(

I think love can cloud your judgement, it did mine

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Break it off before you get too deep into this man and then later deeply hurt. He'll continue to lie and you know why? Because you accepted his apology the first and second time and he thinks he can continue to get away with it. He's walking all over you like a doormat.

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