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I forgot my daughter's show!!!


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When my older child was in first grade, I had my younger one in nursery school on Tues/Thurs afternoons. So, I picked up both kids on those days and on Mon/Wed/Fri my first grader would ride the bus home.


Now, picture me on a Tuesday afternoon mucking out the fridge and then running up to the bus stop to get my kid. The younger one hadn't gone to nursery school that day....so I slipped into my M/W/F routine.:o


So....all the kids get off the bus...and mine isn't there!!!:eek:


I run back to the house full-tilt with the younger one, just in time to answer the phone...the school is already calling. Made the ten minute drive in SIX MINUTES...out of breath....dragging the toddler...and feeling about two inches tall. Bad Mom!!!


Bottom line, I don't care who ya are.....you're gonna mess up sometimes. Try as we might, our kids will eventually discover our best kept secret. We're human, and we're fallable.


Luckily, kids are pretty good sports about stuff like that. It helps them feel a little better about themselves when they mess up.;)


Unfortunately, it also give them a little ammo so they can make occasional fun of us. As in...."Mom, you remember that time when.....":p

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I agree with Cal gal, you can make it up to her, and that will mean alot to her.


On a side note, you could say it was all daddy's fault for not reminding you haha j/k.


My daughter is also 9 and I could see this happening in my situation as well. I know she would be upset but she would remember "how" I made it up to her rather than "why" I missed the show.

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