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HOw to know abuse?


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I just did a search on all your posts. There's a bunch of them going back - all detailing the troubles you have with this guy. Time to go see a counsellor for help getting away from him because you don't seem to be able to on your own.

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whats wrong with me

Thats sorta what I was thinking, but I thought I might be being rude, and I really didn't want to be. I know this topic is touchy, cause if you have the brains to ask... you also know what to do but might not have the courage to do it.

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I think you need to understand the "cycles of violence". There are tons of articles about this on the web which can explain it much better than me. Just google it.

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Don't feel bad about not leaving your SO by now...it took me 9 yrs to leave my abusive SO. I called the cops after a huge argument one night, the cop handed me a 1-800# and told me to call. I did the next morning while he was in jail. Took ALOT of guts and courage to leave him. It's been 9 yrs later, and never once did I regret leaving him. I used to journal when I was staying in the shelter. I take it out once in a while and read it. I drew lots of pictures of me with it raining and me in shackles and chains (metaphorically speaking). The last couple pages of my book was of me with my arms stretched out with a big sun above me and me smiling!


Only you can do this for you. You need to make the decision. I trust that you will. You are starting to gain knowledge about your situation. I am proud of you.

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whats wrong with me

I agree w/ luvtoto...if you're in a bad sit. where you have gotten hurt look here...http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t80622/....at the last reply

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I'm responding blindly here (having not read any of your previous posts) but I strongly believe if a person even comes to question rather or not their partner is being abusive it is time to take a step back and evaluate the relationship and decide rather or not you're willing to continue to be hurt enough (even if emotionally) to question if it's abuse. I believe (from previous personal experience) the longer you stay the harder it is to leave.

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THanks , yes I guess I am in an abusive relationship..but I want to deny it to myself....so I will try not to. Thanks for comforting and not so comforting replies.

Sigh...see you all in sometime,

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