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New Town

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I have recently moved to an entirely new town, and know virtually nobody. I am 26, and the town I moved to is a real college town. In fact, there is a major uiniversity right down the street from my appt. I get along well with my roomates, so far, and we have even hungf out a couple of times. The problem is that my job is very introverted in nature, and it can be very difficult to meet people. I have been around the campus near my house, and there are a real lot of women that I would loven the opportunity to meet, but I certasinly do not want to come across as a stalker, or desperate or anything like that. I just don't know very many people here, and would like to meet some of these college women. How can I begin to put myself in a position where this might be possible? I came up with the idea of bartending at one of the college bars, or something, but that's about it. Any input would be appreciated.

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So your a scientist eh?? ;)


I think the best way to meet the women is to find out what recreational activities the campus has to offer. You can find such information in the annual campus guide, or go to the student office and ask for information. You could also look up a website by typing the camnpus name into google.com, going to the homepage if there is one and then navigating links to the activities area.


Alternatively, you can make friends by just jumping in a basketball or baseball or other game, and meet women through their friends. You could hang out at the local bar where all the student go and make friends that way aswell.



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Find a place that you are comfortable in -- if that's a bar, seek out a good one that has a lot of college women but isn't always so jam packed that conversations aren't even possible. You'll probably have to check out several before you find a couple of good ones.


If bars aren't your scene, try the same with a coffee shop.


Browse in bookstores


When the weather is nice, read in the park


If you like dogs and you're able to get one, do so.


I'm in the same position you are, having just moved (as a grad student) to a new city with a huge student population. My goal is to create opportunities to talk to people, men or women, old or young simply to establish some connections. If I happen to meet a great guy this way, so much the better. But often one meets good people through friends & acquaintances, so it's a good idea to make as many as you can. It takes patience and perseverance. Last week I went by myself to a bar that was supposed to be a great place to meet people (on someone's recommendation). I sat at the bar and sipped a sambuca on the rocks and chatted idly to a married out of town businessman for fifteen minutes. And then I left. Bars just aren't my scene, oh well. But nothing ventured nothing gained. Good luck Tim

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