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Wondering if it is possible...

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Citizen Erased

to stop eating so damn much! I am not over weight, I am just where I want it and I want to stay that way! I work 12 hour days and the only available places near my work to grab food from are fast food :( I am so exhausted that all I want to do is collapse when I get home. I dont have enough time in the morning to exercise (or I could get up at 4:00 and be even more tired!) and I get home on a good day at 7:30 :eek:


I want to stop eating takeaway and really need to exercise but how can I? I do have a really fast metabolism but only because I have been used to getting plenty of sleep and exercise, both things which I cant have either of anymore! I know if I stop eating as much then I wont put on weight but It is just too damn tempting! I have tried to bring food from home but because I am tired and need to stay awake, I get tempted to stuff my face all day long to curb my boredom :( I hate this because I have always been a fit and healthy person and I know if I dont stop then my hard work will be all for nothing. I may be quitting my job to stop encouraging an unhealthy lifestyle, I am just too run down to do anything anymore... I am slowly getting depressed and I need help. I have been seeing a psychologist and my GP for the depression but its been 3 months and I dont feel any different. I think it is just because of my job and the unhealthy routine I am getting into but i dont know...


any opinions would be helpful Thanks!

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Use part of your weekend to make food you can eat at work. Soups, stews, chilis, stuffed pastries are all good. Or take ten minutes each evening to make a sandwich and salad for the next day. It really doesn't take a long time.


Or, if you absolutely cannot cook for yourself, buy some of the frozen healthy dinners and nuke them at work. You can get some really tasty ones and there are also health food versions - all cheaper than eating out.

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i know it's hard, but there are a few things out can do. Outcast mentioned mast and easy meals you can make and freeze on the weekends. That is a great idea. Take a look in the library for cook books of fast and easy meals. A crockpot would also be a good buy. You could prep your meal for tomorrow before you go to bed and come home to it fully cooked and waiting. Crockpot stews are VERY easy and very good for you. Just make it one day and freeze the leftovers in individual containers. Then when you leave for work, grab one and go. A rice cooker may also be a good investment. It's a great source of carbs, takes literally 2 min to prep and 10 min later you have perfectly cooked rice. So for a total of 10 min prep time you could have beef tips and gravy. Just set up the beef stew the night before, come home from work, start the rice cooker, hop in the shower and when you come out dinner is ready for tonight and 2 to 3 more days.


If you have to eat out, you can do so semi-healthfully. Just avoid food high in grease (saturated fat), skip the fries and have water or iced tea instead of soda. One of my favorite post workout recovery foods is actually a qdoba burrito. Just because you buy it doesn't mean it's bad for you. Many mainstream fast food places are now serving healthy foods anyway. Grilled chicked, salads, ect.... So start paying attention to what exactly you are ordering and you can eat fairly healthy.


Since you say you're a muncher, try bringing stiff in to much on. Cheese its, gold fish crackers, veggies, fruit, pretzels... They all make great muchies, as they are are all fairly healthy.

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Citizen Erased

Hey, thanks guys! I guess I just need to be motivated, and I actually normally love cooking but I havent been able to alot lately but I do know that eating a nice home cooked meal is better than takeaway crap!

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to stop eating so damn much! I am not over weight, I am just where I want it and I want to stay that way! I work 12 hour days and the only available places near my work to grab food from are fast food :(

Bull. You could find the time to cook a healthy meal if you desired to. Fast food is not compulsory.


I am so exhausted that all I want to do is collapse when I get home. I dont have enough time in the morning to exercise (or I could get up at 4:00 and be even more tired!) and I get home on a good day at 7:30 :eek:

So plan around your busy schedule. Work out on weekends, or work out after work. You can find time; thousands of others do. Sorry, you have no excuse.


I want to stop eating takeaway and really need to exercise but how can I?

1: Stop eating take-away.

2: Make time to exercise.


I do have a really fast metabolism but only because I have been used to getting plenty of sleep and exercise, both things which I cant have either of anymore! I know if I stop eating as much then I wont put on weight but It is just too damn tempting! I have tried to bring food from home but because I am tired and need to stay awake, I get tempted to stuff my face all day long to curb my boredom :( I hate this because I have always been a fit and healthy person and I know if I dont stop then my hard work will be all for nothing. I may be quitting my job to stop encouraging an unhealthy lifestyle, I am just too run down to do anything anymore... I am slowly getting depressed and I need help. I have been seeing a psychologist

Stop wasting your time and money on a psychologist; they know about as much as anyone else does.


and my GP for the depression but its been 3 months and I dont feel any different. I think it is just because of my job and the unhealthy routine I am getting into but i dont know...


any opinions would be helpful Thanks!

Just find the time to make a difference in your life. If you can't do this, then you should not be complaining about your life. No one has any excuse for living an unhealthy lifestyle. If you want to exercise and eat less, then go ahead and do so. You can control a lot in your life.


Maybe I am being harsh, but would you really listen otherwise? I feel that my input can be helpful. If you don't; fine.

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After I watched the documentary movie called 'Super Size Me', I won't set foot into a mcdonalds or BK to save my life. :sick: :sick: Fast food is nasty!!

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Citizen Erased
After I watched the documentary movie called 'Super Size Me', I won't set foot into a mcdonalds or BK to save my life. :sick: :sick: Fast food is nasty!!


oh God no, I hate maccas and BK, I usually have subway (its not actually as healthy as you would think!) and like chinese and stuff. Well, Im joining my gym near my work so I can go during my lunch break and I will just not bring my cards or money so I wont be tempted to eat crap. I just need to be motivated and the fitness instructor I spoke to at the gym was pretty good looking ;)


geist, I do thank you for your input but im not a slobbering mess yet, I am in fact pretty healthy just for the past month or so I havent. And psychologists are indeed not useless, I have benefited from them in the past, when my parents divorced etc and right now I just need someone to support me (who doesnt know me and wont make judgements) or else I will become before said slobbering mess! Money is not a problem so I will continue to 'waste' it on my psychologist :o But thank you anyway, I indeed respect your input and of course it is helpful!



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oh God no, I hate maccas and BK, I usually have subway (its not actually as healthy as you would think!) and like chinese and stuff. Well, Im joining my gym near my work so I can go during my lunch break and I will just not bring my cards or money so I wont be tempted to eat crap. I just need to be motivated and the fitness instructor I spoke to at the gym was pretty good looking ;)




Haha! Nothing like a good looking male fitness instructor to get you motivated! :laugh: Good luck coco!

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Citizen Erased
Haha! Nothing like a good looking male fitness instructor to get you motivated! :laugh: Good luck coco!


Who wouldnt be motivated to enjoy a good perve! Thanks

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