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Hello everyone! Nice to be back on, although I only posted one other question before. :cool:


Ummmm... okay... This is a very unusual question for this message board (I think.)

I have this friend who is a girl, and she's into men. I too have a boyfriend. Well, lately I've been getting these urges to be with her in a sexual way. I'm not bi and I never been with a girl in my life, so I don't know where all of this is coming from. It even gone as far as me having sexual dreams about her. :sick:

I don't know what's going on, and it's sort of creeping me out. Does anyone know what's going on here?

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I had the same thing happen to me. I just brought up in casual conversation lesbians and threesomes just to guage her reaction. Turns out she was not into that kind of thing at all so I never tried anything with her. We are still friends and those type of feelings for her disappeared.


I think it's completely normal for anyone to be sexually attracted to someone of the same gender. It shouldn't be something to worry about. This doesn't mean that you find all women attractive, just someone special.

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I hope it does go away. Although, I did wake up this morning and my feelings aren't that strong. Maybe cause i haven't spoken to her yet.


I'm a female.

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I had the exact same thing happen to me.. except that worse, becuase everytime we were intoxicated i'd try to hit on her.


Looking back on it now, becuase i'm not really attracted to any other girls, i think what it was, is that i loved her sooo much as my best friend and i didn't know anyother way of expressing my adoration for her other than through a sexual way. Being only 17 at the time, i didn't know how else to show her how much i apreciated her in my life.


does that make sense?

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