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Shall I be Bad?

MHK (again)

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I notice a lot of women's relationship issues here often involve some male arsehold or bastard.


The reinforce my belief that bastarrds always get the women.


Hypothesis: Ladies, if you were to be honest, the best way for me to get women ( faster?) is to treat you badly. Yes/No? Comments please.


Question : How does a fairly decent guy become a bastarrd attractive to women?

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Oddly, your post awakened me from a deep sleep.


It is not at a necessary to be a bastard to become attractive to women. However, women do not like men who kiss their ass, who are very predictable, who are extremely generous, or otherwise throw themselves at them and make themselves very easy to catch...especially at the beginning of a relationship.


Women see guys who are too sweet and too nice at the start as desperate and lacking that special ingredient. They also aren't seen as a challenge and therefore aren't sexy. Women, while wanting to be chased, also want to do some chasing themselves.


Anything that is presented too quickly and too easily is not seen as valuable. A man needs to remain somewhat of a mystery to keep the interest of a woman. Bastard isn't the word for it. Aloof, independent, confident, unpredictable, etc....those more accurately describe what is attractive to a woman.


Give her some real mystery, keep her guessing, and you've got her forever. Let her know you care from the very start and you may have her for a day or two but that's about it.


All of the above applies even moreso to women under 35. As women get older, they are slightly less into mystery but they still don't want their butt kissed...most of them, that is.


Women want a MAN who is a MAN!


Now I'm going back to sleep. Goodnight everyone.

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I have turned into a bit of a bastard in the sense that I once in a while show interest in other women. I do this rarely but without mercy. I also notice that if ever a good looking girl comes into our circle of friends, I know for sure she won't make good friends with my gf.


If I choose to tease my gf about a certain girl, I basically have to be prepared not being able to make a friendship with her becos my gf would suspect too much.

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I think its accurate to say that we all feel flattered and somewhat reassured when our partner shows the occasional sign of jealousy...so long as its not obsessive. It lets us know that we are still wanted and not taken for granted. However, it isn't always wise to set up scenarios, such as the one you discribed, as a means of triggering this reponse. These "head games" can be detrimental to establishing the trust needed between two people who are trying to build a relationship. And only someone who was themselves emotionally immature would resort to stroking their own ego by feeding their partner's insecurities.


If becoming a "bastard" is the new game plan for catching women, than give me the NICE guy...bald spot, beer belly and all!

I have turned into a bit of a bastard in the sense that I once in a while show interest in other women. I do this rarely but without mercy. I also notice that if ever a good looking girl comes into our circle of friends, I know for sure she won't make good friends with my gf. If I choose to tease my gf about a certain girl, I basically have to be prepared not being able to make a friendship with her becos my gf would suspect too much.
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I agree with Tony but you gotta be careful - there's a thin line here ... i think while you want to be aloof & all that, don't become rude or uncaring ... don't go too far ... cuz then the girl feels like she's being pushed away ... what i'm saying is - confident & aloof shouldn't kill the other ingredients ...


good luck

Oddly, your post awakened me from a deep sleep. It is not at a necessary to be a bastard to become attractive to women. However, women do not like men who kiss their ass, who are very predictable, who are extremely generous, or otherwise throw themselves at them and make themselves very easy to catch...especially at the beginning of a relationship. Women see guys who are too sweet and too nice at the start as desperate and lacking that special ingredient. They also aren't seen as a challenge and therefore aren't sexy. Women, while wanting to be chased, also want to do some chasing themselves. Anything that is presented too quickly and too easily is not seen as valuable. A man needs to remain somewhat of a mystery to keep the interest of a woman. Bastard isn't the word for it. Aloof, independent, confident, unpredictable, etc....those more accurately describe what is attractive to a woman. Give her some real mystery, keep her guessing, and you've got her forever. Let her know you care from the very start and you may have her for a day or two but that's about it. All of the above applies even moreso to women under 35. As women get older, they are slightly less into mystery but they still don't want their butt kissed...most of them, that is. Women want a MAN who is a MAN! Now I'm going back to sleep. Goodnight everyone.


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successfully act confident, aloof and all that?


is it better to stay low & wait for them to come around, or do some chasing & show your own interest? or smth else? :)

Oddly, your post awakened me from a deep sleep. It is not at a necessary to be a bastard to become attractive to women. However, women do not like men who kiss their ass, who are very predictable, who are extremely generous, or otherwise throw themselves at them and make themselves very easy to catch...especially at the beginning of a relationship. Women see guys who are too sweet and too nice at the start as desperate and lacking that special ingredient. They also aren't seen as a challenge and therefore aren't sexy. Women, while wanting to be chased, also want to do some chasing themselves. Anything that is presented too quickly and too easily is not seen as valuable. A man needs to remain somewhat of a mystery to keep the interest of a woman. Bastard isn't the word for it. Aloof, independent, confident, unpredictable, etc....those more accurately describe what is attractive to a woman. Give her some real mystery, keep her guessing, and you've got her forever. Let her know you care from the very start and you may have her for a day or two but that's about it. All of the above applies even moreso to women under 35. As women get older, they are slightly less into mystery but they still don't want their butt kissed...most of them, that is. Women want a MAN who is a MAN! Now I'm going back to sleep. Goodnight everyone.


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