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Why do girls do this??

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I thought I was gonna get with this girl, and me my friend and a couple of her Girlfriends went out. There is obvious attraction. I dont give her attention for 20 mins, the first guy that asks her to get her a drink, she goes for it. Get's overly drunk and dances with this guy and kisses. I figure WOW!! I guess I totally misread the situation, so I go to a different part of the club. Her friend I guess had witnessed this, and I guess was kind of pissed of at it, so she danced with me and started kissing me. At the end of the night, the girl I was interested in sat in a chair and had a pissed of look at her face, and on the way out, had the nerve to grab my arm, like I'm with her. I'm 24 and she's 19, so I've seen these games before. Can anyone shed some light on this.

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Oh and one last thing, at the beginning of the night. She asks me to hold her ID and money in my pocket. While she thinks she goes and play her little game, and if a girl comes close, she asks for her money. To kinda of put a damper on things

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either she is trying to get you pissed off and jealous on purpose or she is a complete attention whore who doesnt care who she steps on as long as she is the center of attention.


and her "friend" who witnessed it and got pissed, is either not really a friend if she is so pissed at her friend for kissing you, who is just some random dude they decided to go out with...or maybe she already knows her friend doesnt have feelings that are too strong for you.....otherwise, she woudl be pissed at her friend for kissing you...

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...and she's 19...


Isn't that all the light you need? Many young women live and die based on the amount of attention they can get from men. Just as men are more likely to go with the girl who gives it up easily, so too is a young woman going to get sucked in by the dude who rushes in to buy her drinks and pay attention to her.


Since you weren't with her, you shouldn't have held her crap -- that was how she locked you into her silly little game. You should have used her money to buy the other girl drinks...

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Many young women live and die based on the amount of attention they can get from men.

some older women do the same...

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